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 A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...

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Age : 57

A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 11:42 am

Someone disappointed in the new Morty...but not for the reasons one would think.

Quote :
One last thing...the last song is the tribute to Rez, where Steve is thankful that they helped him out of the secular heavy metal lifestyle, and that kind of music in general. But then if you look at the picture in the tray, he has on a jacket with Metallica and Iron Maiden patches and a Saxon shirt! What's up with that? He's basically giving these bands his stamp of approval in doing that. I've never known Steve to send mixed messages.

Quote :
As far as Steve's jacket...we are called to come out from among the world and be separate. We need to be very careful as Christians. If a baby/immature Christian gets the new Mort CD, and just came out of secular metal, seeing Steve's endorsement of those bands tells them that it must be OK to listen to. If they fall away from the Lord because of that, then that's on Steve. Read 1 Cor. chapter 8, and Paul warns us about our freedom causing other brothers to stumble. That's my problem with the jacket. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE Mortification. I've bought the first CD the day it came out, and have done so with every CD since then. Steve is an awesome servant with a heart of gold. That being said, it makes it that much more difficult for me to understand why he would openly endorse those bands that he was delivered from. And I didn't even get into Mick wearing a Jimi Hendrix t-shirt!?!?! The guy was a freakin' drug addict, and you're going to announce to the world that "You need to love Jesus and obey his Word", but then seemingly endorse an open drug user on a CD that is supposed to be against all kinds of addictions. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Quite frankly, I'm far more disappointed with the imagery on this CD than any of the music. Musically, it's Mortification (reminds me a lot of Silver Cord). IMO, it's not their best, but that's OK, there's always the next one.

Quote :
Also, to add a tag to what I wrote above...I got saved in 1988. I came out of a drug/alcohol secular metal lifestyle. I was a huge fan of bands like Kiss, Motley Crue, Megadeth, Slayer, etc. When the Blood Of Jesus washed me clean, I did a 180 and began to walk the other way. Despite having a different Kiss or Motley Crue shirt for each day of the month, I never wore another one after I got saved. Why would you? Christ died to free us from those bondages, why would we go back? Or even give the impession that it's OK to go back? We, as Christians, need to set the example for the lost. There needs to be a distinct line in the sand, and make it clear that we are not going to cross it.

The world does a good enough job of watering down what the Bible says. We need to be the ones who CLEARLY show the path of righteousness, and not send mixed messages and offer gray areas to those who are searching for the Light. Please read my signature below...let's stay as far away from the world as possible. Christ offers abundant life, PERIOD. We don't need to go searching in secular music to find ANY satisfaction. We only put ourselves in danger of causing a weaker brother or sister to stumble. I personally don't want that on my conscience.

What say ye?

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Number of posts : 19452
Age : 57

A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 11:43 am

This was my response:
Quote :

I can't believe that Steve's JACKET is a point of contention here. He is not trying to save people from secular music. He is trying to present a crucified and risen Savior to the world. Listening to a Saxon song isn't sin, nor will it necessarily cause anyone to sin. Having a Saxon patch on his jacket is hardly worth fretting over. Rather than worrying about some baby Christian stumbling over a Saxon or Metallica patch on a jacket, I'd rather think that identifying with those bands might give him some credibility with those who are into the metal scene. I know that has been the case with me. I have a denim vest I wear on stage regularly and it too has a Saxon patch, as well as Mortification, Deliverance, Accept, and several other bands. I'm not endorsing "sin" or anyone's sinful lifestyle. Rather, I am endorsing the music I enjoy and has inspired me. Steve is doing the same exact thing. Saxon and Metallica are bands that have inspired him musically. Obviously Steve's lyrics are as bold and bold can get. He's not ashamed of his Savior or sharing the good news, so he's not endorsing "sin", as was previously mentioned.

I'd hate to think what some of you think of the new Ultimatum CD where we cover some of those bands. We've always been a band where the Gospel has been #1 in our lyrics. We were very careful on our new CD to pick out songs that the lyrics would not be an issue. Wait til you hear us cover Twisted Sister "Sin After Sin". Those lyrics are actually more "Christian" than many of the band's people praise on this site.

BTW, I like his jacket. I like the big 'ol ULTIMATUM patch on his jacket! Smile

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Number of posts : 19452
Age : 57

A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 11:45 am

This conversation went round and roung, but here is another response and my reaction:

ultmetal wrote:
rightwing wrote:
I'm speechless at the defenses of this topic. All I can say is my previous posts still stand. Read 1 Cor. chapter 8. Paul warns us to be careful how we handle our freedoms.

I never said listening to a secular band is a sin, no more than watching a secular tv show is a sin. However, when you claim to be a fan of a band (secular in this case), even though you personally may not agree with lyrics or their lifestyle, you are still approving of what they say and do. The patch on your jacket does not say "Metallica....I like thier music, but I don't approve of James' and Lars' filthy mouths, and alcohol abuse, and I don't agree with many of their lyrics." All the patch says is Metallica. And anyone who sees that assumes that you are a fan of everything about them. Is that my opinion? No, that's reality.

We are going to have to agree to disagree. I'm a bit saddened by the "gray area" that is tolerated regarding "abstaining from every appearance of evil" as Paul says. But I guess we need to allow the Holy Spirit to convict us of things in our own lives as we commit all we are to Him.

Well bro., all I can say is that I was where you were many years ago, so I understand where you are coming from, but I now disagree with it. I've been a Christian since the 80's and I know that God has changed me and molded me over the years. I've seen God work through my band and myself FAR more now than when I thought I was "walking the holy life" because of the music I listened to and didn't listen to.

Yes, the Bible says to avoid the appearance of evil, but I think you have it a bit wrong in your interpretation. Do a study on that scripture and you will see that Paul is not warning to avoid anything that might look like or have the appearance of evil or might offend another Christian. Read the context. It's VERY important. Jesus often did things that offended the Pharisees and the religious leaders. He healed on the Sabbath day. This appeared evil to the religious leaders, but we see that Jesus said it wasn't. Should he have avoided it to not "appear evil"? He spoke to prostitutes. He ministered to the sick and the desolate. He constantly offended the religious. How could he do all this if he had to "avoid the appearance of evil"?

This scripture is often misquoted by the church and it robs Christians of their freedom in Christ, their joy in life and many times even evangelism itself. I've seen people use this verse and the "stumbling block" mentality to condemn Christians for wearing their favorite sports jerseys because they are "supporting the lifestyles of athletes who aren't living a Christian life". If I wear a Philadelphia Flyers jersey, does it say I am a fan of the team or does it say that I support the ideas, lifestyles and in some cases the sins of the the players? If I like hockey or boxing, does it mean I "support" fighting and brutality? If I go to the movies, will it cause a young Christian to stumble because it has "the appearance of evil"? If I have a glass of wine on my wedding day, will a baby Christian think it's ok to drink excessively? Will I cause a former alcoholic to go back to a drinking life style? If I read a secular fiction novel, will it appear I am doing something outside the will of God? This sort of Western Christian mentality is NOT what Paul had in mind.

In the text in 1 Thess., the Apostle Paul is telling them to allow prophetic revelations of the Spirit, test all prophetic utterances, keep what is good and abstain from those that appear bad or "evil". It is very clear if you read it in context, or even check other translations of the Scripture. Paul is not telling Christians to avoid actions that might look bad to someone else or is "questionable behavior".

I am NOT saying that if God has spoke to you and asked you to abstain from certain things that you should ignore it for your "freedom in Christ". That Scripture can be taken out of context as well. I obviously have no problem with Christian music and am glad people enjoy it. My own band has always been very up front in our lyrics about our faith in Christ. If someone feels all secular music is a stumbling block in their own walk with God, then by all means AVOID IT! If sports consumes you to the point that you are not focusing on God, or are even walking away from righteousness, then STAY AWAY FROM IT. However, we all need to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. We are not "holy" because of the music we listen to, the sports we enjoy, the movies we watch, the books we read, the magazines we flip through, etc. We are holy because Christ is holy. Because we love him, we follow his commands.

The problem with saying that Christians should avoid "questionable behavior" is that we have all kinds of opinions as to what is or is not questionable behavior. Obviously we are not talking about SIN as described and given by God. We most definitely are to avoid disobeying God or willfully sinning. Obviously, sex outside of marriage is wrong. The Bible is clear on this and we cannot use "Christian liberties" as an excuse to sin. However, when it comes down to matters of Christian freedom and liberty then this mis-interpretation of 1 Thess. 5:22 should be challenged.

I'm just being honest here. I was there. I disliked the judgmental person I was. I was mean spirited and pointed an accusing finger at any Christian that would dare listen to anything I considered "unGodly". I call it my "Super Christian" days. I honestly thought I was being holy, when in fact I was just being judgmental. When I discovered freedom in Christ, I also discovered that God can use me far more to reach the lost. My band has performed in front of mostly non-Christian audiences for the last nine years. We play in bars, clubs and secular venues. Many Christians have been offended at us over the years for doing so. I guess, in reality, it does "appear evil" that we are performing in bars. However, it's where we need to be and God has blessed us ever since. I can tell you many MANY stories regarding my website, which features Christian and secular metal, where God has worked through me because of a secular band that I have in common with an unbeliever. I'd be happy to share these stories with you if you'd like.

I know Steve Rowe personally. He is a good friend of mine. We live world's apart but have a kinship. We are brothers in Christ and we are metalheads. I will fight Steve's honor till the death because he truly is a man of God. Wearing a denim vest with a few patches of his favorite bands is hardly an endorsement of sin. His lyrics and personal testimony is enough proof of a life lived for Christ. A Saxon patch does not tarnish that legacy.

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 11:46 am

ultmetal wrote:
Someone disappointed in the new Morty...but not for the reasons one would think.

Quote :
One last thing...the last song is the tribute to Rez, where Steve is thankful that they helped him out of the secular heavy metal lifestyle, and that kind of music in general. But then if you look at the picture in the tray, he has on a jacket with Metallica and Iron Maiden patches and a Saxon shirt! What's up with that? He's basically giving these bands his stamp of approval in doing that. I've never known Steve to send mixed messages.

Quote :
As far as Steve's jacket...we are called to come out from among the world and be separate. We need to be very careful as Christians. If a baby/immature Christian gets the new Mort CD, and just came out of secular metal, seeing Steve's endorsement of those bands tells them that it must be OK to listen to. If they fall away from the Lord because of that, then that's on Steve. Read 1 Cor. chapter 8, and Paul warns us about our freedom causing other brothers to stumble. That's my problem with the jacket. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE Mortification. I've bought the first CD the day it came out, and have done so with every CD since then. Steve is an awesome servant with a heart of gold. That being said, it makes it that much more difficult for me to understand why he would openly endorse those bands that he was delivered from. And I didn't even get into Mick wearing a Jimi Hendrix t-shirt!?!?! The guy was a freakin' drug addict, and you're going to announce to the world that "You need to love Jesus and obey his Word", but then seemingly endorse an open drug user on a CD that is supposed to be against all kinds of addictions. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Quite frankly, I'm far more disappointed with the imagery on this CD than any of the music. Musically, it's Mortification (reminds me a lot of Silver Cord). IMO, it's not their best, but that's OK, there's always the next one.

Quote :
Also, to add a tag to what I wrote above...I got saved in 1988. I came out of a drug/alcohol secular metal lifestyle. I was a huge fan of bands like Kiss, Motley Crue, Megadeth, Slayer, etc. When the Blood Of Jesus washed me clean, I did a 180 and began to walk the other way. Despite having a different Kiss or Motley Crue shirt for each day of the month, I never wore another one after I got saved. Why would you? Christ died to free us from those bondages, why would we go back? Or even give the impession that it's OK to go back? We, as Christians, need to set the example for the lost. There needs to be a distinct line in the sand, and make it clear that we are not going to cross it.

The world does a good enough job of watering down what the Bible says. We need to be the ones who CLEARLY show the path of righteousness, and not send mixed messages and offer gray areas to those who are searching for the Light. Please read my signature below...let's stay as far away from the world as possible. Christ offers abundant life, PERIOD. We don't need to go searching in secular music to find ANY satisfaction. We only put ourselves in danger of causing a weaker brother or sister to stumble. I personally don't want that on my conscience.

What say ye?

OK, Troublezone has gone too far this time. lol!
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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

Number of posts : 4077
Age : 51

A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 11:51 am

I have to say I agree to an extent. But....that should not come as any surprise to anybody that knows me! I personally find it extremely difficult for Christians to justify representing secular bands who promote anti-Christian messages/themes whether sincere or not or extreme or not. As well as flaunting around shirts and jackets. I've yet to hear an excuse that wasn't just that....an excuse for personal freedom and choice.

HOWEVER.....THIS IS NOT A HEAVEN OR HELL ISSUE TO ME BY ANY STRETCH!!! And I very much disagree with Steve being responsible for a brother/sister falling because of a patch or t-shirt. That's silly.

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 11:57 am

I think there are too many people that are too concerned with other people's business. I say tend to your own yard and let others live their lives and stop trying to force your views of life onto someone who sees things completely different than you. Christians like that guy (not you Troy) make me want to punch them in the face. If they turn the other cheek, I'll punch them again.
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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

Number of posts : 4077
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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:01 pm

SpectreFate wrote:
......make me want to punch them in the face. If they turn the other cheek, I'll punch them again.
um...what cheeks are you referring to EXACTLY!? A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... 37951:
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Fat Freddy
Metal, Movies, Beer
Metal, Movies, Beer
Fat Freddy

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:04 pm

Uhhhh yeah. OK. The Saxon and Metallica patches on Steve Rowe's jacket are the cause behind all the evil and sin in the world. Got it.

Sheeeeeeesh. (rolls eyes)

"I am reluctant to get too deep into politics, and I don’t expect politicians to get too deep into music."
- Paul Stanley

HEY KIDS! Check out my way-cool CD and movie reviews and other geeky nonsense on the HubPages Network: http://hubpages.com/@fatfreddyscat
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Scarred But Smarter
Scarred But Smarter

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:05 pm

I have always had issue with anyone who claims music or imagery cause them to live or act in a certain manner.

Firstly, I am a Christian: I believe in God. I believe that relationship is personal and between me and He...that's all I say.

2ndly, I have been listening to sleazy metal since I was like 11. I have NEVER smoked a cigarette...taken ANY drugs or drank ANY alcohol...I have never cornholed a hooker or done anything deviantly sexual...or slept around when I was younger.

So I think this whole.."what mixed signals" these pics send it ox manur...plain and simple. It's week people looking for something to pin their weakness on.


"Oh man, I need TV? When I got T Rex"
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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:06 pm

SpectreFate wrote:
I think there are too many people that are too concerned with other people's business. I say tend to your own yard and let others live their lives and stop trying to force your views of life onto someone who sees things completely different than you.
ABSOLUTELY BRO. This is not something you post in criticism about another brother or believer. That's ultimately between you and God and nobody else. But....when I'm asked my beliefs on the matter....I will tell them. But those are my convictions. Nobody else's.
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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

Number of posts : 4077
Age : 51

A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:08 pm

Fat Freddy wrote:
Uhhhh yeah. OK. The Saxon and Metallica patches on Steve Rowe's jacket are the cause behind all the evil and sin in the world. Got it.

Sheeeeeeesh. (rolls eyes)
You NEVER knew this?! You're SO naive. angry

Last edited by T-Roy on Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:09 pm

Quote :
when I'm asked my beliefs on the matter....I will tell them. But those are my convictions. Nobody else's.

Exactly. Smile

Jackass wrote:
We don't need to go searching in secular music to find ANY
satisfaction. We only put ourselves in danger of causing a weaker
brother or sister to stumble. I personally don't want that on my

I'm glad this guy takes upon himself to feel like a martyr for the entire Christian community. Thanks buddy, but someone already sacrificed themselves for my selfishness, I don't need you to attempt the same.
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Road Warrior

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:10 pm

SpectreFate wrote:
ultmetal wrote:
Someone disappointed in the new Morty...but not for the reasons one would think.

Quote :
One last thing...the last song is the tribute to Rez, where Steve is thankful that they helped him out of the secular heavy metal lifestyle, and that kind of music in general. But then if you look at the picture in the tray, he has on a jacket with Metallica and Iron Maiden patches and a Saxon shirt! What's up with that? He's basically giving these bands his stamp of approval in doing that. I've never known Steve to send mixed messages.

Quote :
As far as Steve's jacket...we are called to come out from among the world and be separate. We need to be very careful as Christians. If a baby/immature Christian gets the new Mort CD, and just came out of secular metal, seeing Steve's endorsement of those bands tells them that it must be OK to listen to. If they fall away from the Lord because of that, then that's on Steve. Read 1 Cor. chapter 8, and Paul warns us about our freedom causing other brothers to stumble. That's my problem with the jacket. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE Mortification. I've bought the first CD the day it came out, and have done so with every CD since then. Steve is an awesome servant with a heart of gold. That being said, it makes it that much more difficult for me to understand why he would openly endorse those bands that he was delivered from. And I didn't even get into Mick wearing a Jimi Hendrix t-shirt!?!?! The guy was a freakin' drug addict, and you're going to announce to the world that "You need to love Jesus and obey his Word", but then seemingly endorse an open drug user on a CD that is supposed to be against all kinds of addictions. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Quite frankly, I'm far more disappointed with the imagery on this CD than any of the music. Musically, it's Mortification (reminds me a lot of Silver Cord). IMO, it's not their best, but that's OK, there's always the next one.

Quote :
Also, to add a tag to what I wrote above...I got saved in 1988. I came out of a drug/alcohol secular metal lifestyle. I was a huge fan of bands like Kiss, Motley Crue, Megadeth, Slayer, etc. When the Blood Of Jesus washed me clean, I did a 180 and began to walk the other way. Despite having a different Kiss or Motley Crue shirt for each day of the month, I never wore another one after I got saved. Why would you? Christ died to free us from those bondages, why would we go back? Or even give the impession that it's OK to go back? We, as Christians, need to set the example for the lost. There needs to be a distinct line in the sand, and make it clear that we are not going to cross it.

The world does a good enough job of watering down what the Bible says. We need to be the ones who CLEARLY show the path of righteousness, and not send mixed messages and offer gray areas to those who are searching for the Light. Please read my signature below...let's stay as far away from the world as possible. Christ offers abundant life, PERIOD. We don't need to go searching in secular music to find ANY satisfaction. We only put ourselves in danger of causing a weaker brother or sister to stumble. I personally don't want that on my conscience.

What say ye?

OK, Troublezone has gone too far this time. lol!

Very funny! lol! But what makes you think i don't listen to secular metal?
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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:11 pm

Quote :
Very funny! lol! But what makes you think i don't listen to secular metal?

I know you do, I'm just yankin' yer chain.
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Scarred But Smarter
Scarred But Smarter

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:13 pm

Yankin' another man's chain...what kind of message does that send to other Christians?!

"Oh man, I need TV? When I got T Rex"
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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:15 pm

Shiney wrote:
Yankin' another man's chain...what kind of message does that send to other Christians?!
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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:15 pm

Shiney wrote:
Yankin' another man's chain...what kind of message does that send to other Christians?!

I do it while reading Leviticus 24:5. It's perfectly OK. Smile
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Scarred But Smarter
Scarred But Smarter

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:16 pm


"Oh man, I need TV? When I got T Rex"
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Temple of Blood
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Temple of Blood

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:16 pm

My opinion: it's OK to listen to secular music just like it's OK to read secular books.
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The lost Ramone

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:17 pm

God has a different call for each believer, he may be calling you out to toast your secular music collection, but that may not be the case for the next guy......so I say LEAVE IT BE!!!!!! That whole thing is between you and God.

on a sidenote, if this guy truly believes having a worldly band patch is a big deal, then I sure hope he holds true to that thinking to EVERYTHING else in this planet that is "not of god".

Your response was perfect Ult.
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mini boss
mini boss

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:19 pm

I forget people like that exists in the real world, here is a band that sing songs about God and praise Jesus (I am asuming never heard their music) and instead of focusing on the that part he chooses to focus on the part that dude is wearing a SAXON PATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What did Jesus say, remove that log out of your own eye before you attempt to remove a splinter from your brother's eye.
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Scarred But Smarter
Scarred But Smarter

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Age : 53

A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:22 pm

A lot of times there a none more blind thatn those peering through "God's eyes"

"Oh man, I need TV? When I got T Rex"
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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:23 pm

Shiney wrote:
A lot of times there a none more blind thatn those peering through "God's eyes"

They sell "God's Eyes" at the store. They're right beside the "Beer Goggles". They have a strikingly similar result.
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Scarred But Smarter
Scarred But Smarter

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:24 pm

You are truly...a mess. Very Happy

"Oh man, I need TV? When I got T Rex"
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Fat Freddy
Metal, Movies, Beer
Metal, Movies, Beer
Fat Freddy

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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...   A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 12:29 pm

By the way, Ult, I have to give you props for your well thought out and eloquent response to this guy... I could never have been that nice about it... my response would've been something along the lines of "Aaaaah, shaddap, Zippy" Laughing

"I am reluctant to get too deep into politics, and I don’t expect politicians to get too deep into music."
- Paul Stanley

HEY KIDS! Check out my way-cool CD and movie reviews and other geeky nonsense on the HubPages Network: http://hubpages.com/@fatfreddyscat
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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD... Empty
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A religious reaction to the new Mortification CD...
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