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 Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam

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James B.
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James B.
Scurvy Skalliwag
James B.

Number of posts : 12766
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Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 11:34 am

Both parties have blame for what's wrong with our country.  Two sides of the same coin.  The bias media outlets are just as much a problem as our two party system.  Slinging the party rhetoric on both sides and are merely propaganda machines feeding partial truth to cause discourse and strife between the voting public.  Ever notice how some stupid issue pop ups (in the media) before national election time and both sides get all riled up and focus on that instead of having politicians offer up anything to fix real problems ?

  The arrogance of some people is amazing.  The way I see it, too many focus on how much smarter they think they are than those with opposing political views and due to that won't even consider compromise cause it's deemed beneath their pseudo-intellectual superiority.  A little common sense goes way further than waving a party flag, blinded to the hypocrisy around them, and only concerned with "hurray my side won".

So like Nugent says "Shut Up and Jam"

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Th?id=OIP.Mf8_L3e01kyREFChW4XK_gEsDG&w=299&h=198&c=7&qlt=90&o=4&dpr=1.25&pid=1
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The King

Number of posts : 23274
Age : 50

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 11:46 am

Vexer6 wrote:
DallasBlack wrote:
Quote :
I have good reason to hold conservatives to a higher standard, as from my experiences they tend to preach hatred and ignorance much more often then anyone else.

 Shocked  Shocked  Shocked  Shocked  Shocked  Shocked  Shocked 

BULL Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 288219 ! I've heard some of the most hateful, disrespectful, downright despicable vitriol from liberals moreso that conservatives. Most "hate" speech attributed to conservatives are either misquotes, out of context soundbites, or downright slanderous lies. I don't normally speak politics because I don't want that kind of riff between me and others. But I am sick and tired of my side of politics getting stuck with titles like racist, fascist, homophobes, etc. Are conservatives totally blameless and pure? Of course not! They're human flawed human beings that make mistakes like anyone else. However, liberals all too often seem to overlook the far left radicals of their side. Like that one recent shooting done by that white supremacist. The guy was a loyal democrat and outspoken anti-Semite but you never hear about that. However, if the guy was a tea party member (which is NOT an actual party but a series of grassroot groups that were tired of their values not being represented in political speech) it would be all over the news.

Now I don't want to put too much tention between me and you liberals around here. Most of you have been wonderful people to deal with (Manny, Uncle Saxon, Spectrefate, etc.) and have shown me that we can co-exist peacefully by staying away from political debates (though it was a little rough in the beginning). But the demonization of conservatives has gotten so out of hand these days that I just can't stand for it anymore. Sometimes a man just has to stand up for his values even though it might cause problems with others.
It's not "BS" at all, in my personal experiences I've NEVER heard any liberal say ANYTHING as revolting, disgusting, repulsive and sickening as someone like say Rush Limbaugh or Pat Robertson, those sick bastards can go to hell for all I care angry 

I'm not saying all republicans are like that, there are some moderate and reasonable ones that I like.

But unfortunately the conservative movement has been almost completely hijacked by all those wackjobs in the Tea Party, that's one group that to me stands for everything that's wrong with America today.

I honestly don't know of any far left "radicals", and besides right-wing radicals are talked about more because of how much more well-known they are, because of the sheer amount of hatred in everything they say, and thanks to Faux News they have a vehicle to spread they're lies and propaganda to everyone who will listen.


Lets take a look at some of the hate-spewing far left radicals:

1. comedian Wanda Sykes said that she hopes President Bush would die of AIDS.

2. Cher wished that Tea Partiers would die.

3. Martin Bashir, formerly of MSNBC, who wanted someone to urinate and defecate in Sarah Palin's mouth

4. Jim Carrey, a liberal celebrity, equated Fox News, a conservative network, with a colonoscopy bag

5. UCSF Fundraiser Stephanie Handler, an ardent supporter of Obamacare – so much so, she really hopes that the “non-believers” are denied all health care!

6. University of Kansas professor David Guth - went online and wished that the sons and daughters of the NRA be mass murdered.

7. Former Sacramento Democrats’ Communications Director Allan Brauer to those who opposed Obamacare "May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases."

8. Author Joyce Carol Oates wished NRA members would get shot, so they might finally give up their damnable Second Amendment rights.

9. University of Rhode Island history teacher Erik Loomis launched into a profane tirade that accused the National Rifle Association of being a “terrorist organization” and called for the CEO’s “head on a stick,”.

10. liberal Chris Matthews has repeatedly connected conservatives to Nazis.

11. Democratic Congressman Tom Lantos “Republicans were Goose Stepping in their pursuit of legislation.”

12. moveon.org, financed by billionaire George Soros, posted a picture of George Bush wearing a Hitler mustache.

13. left-winger Linda Ronstadt said the Bush administration is a “new bunch of Hitlers.”

14. Michael Moore, whose Fahrenheit 9/11 portrayed Bush as the second coming of Adolf Hitler and the terrorist attacks of 9/11 as his Reichstag.

15. Barbara Streisand “Bush’s actions remind me of Herman Goering’s quote during the Nuremberg Trials, where he stated: ‘Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism. [....]‘”

16. NAACP director Julian Bond. In February 2006, Bond, said that the “Republican flag and the Nazi flag fly side by side.”

17. liberal radio host Mike Malloy lashed out at National Rifle Association members by labelling them the “current incarnation of the brownshirts from Germany.” On his radio show March 25, Malloy threatened to shoot an unspecified National Rifle Association board member, regardless of whether he or she was armed.

18. Illinois Democrat Gov. Pat Quinn tweeted—and then quietly deleted—several messages urging backers to read an article comparing black Republican voters to Jews who collaborated with the Nazis.

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 The_ki10
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Zooey Addict

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Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 11:49 am

You know Vexer6, I listen to Rush Limbaugh EVERY day and haven't missed one hour since 2003. I have NEVER heard anything racist, sexist, hateful, or homophobic from his mouth. You don't even listen to Rush you just hear the lies, misquotes, and out of context soundbites (obviously you never actually listened to Fox News either because they are the only REAL news station around). THIS is why I don't like talking politics because people spit out whatever crap the media tells them. Well continue in your ignorance because it's obvious you have no idea what your talking about. Somehow,I knew your response would be just a bunch of liberal talking points but I thought maybe you'd be a more intelligent liberal who could disagree with conservatives and not give the usual BS but you're blinded by your hatred and ignorance of us and have to demonize those you disagree with. Talking this further with you will just be a waste of time and piss me off more than I already am. I'm outta this thread because I don't need the aggrivation (sic).

I hope you have a good day and life goes well with you but I will not further talk to you about politics because you are just too close-minded to really understand conservatism. Instead of just listening to whatever crap the media spits out at you try to think for yourself and actually listen to what conservatives say. However, I doubts that will ever happen.
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Zooey Addict

Number of posts : 17074
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Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 11:55 am

James B. wrote:
Both parties have blame for what's wrong with our country.  Two sides of the same coin.  The bias media outlets are just as much a problem as our two party system.  Slinging the party rhetoric on both sides and are merely propaganda machines feeding partial truth to cause discourse and strife between the voting public.  Ever notice how some stupid issue pop ups (in the media) before national election time and both sides get all riled up and focus on that instead of having politicians offer up anything to fix real problems ?

  The arrogance of some people is amazing.  The way I see it, too many focus on how much smarter they think they are than those with opposing political views and due to that won't even consider compromise cause it's deemed beneath their pseudo-intellectual superiority.  A little common sense goes way further than waving a party flag, blinded to the hypocrisy around them, and only concerned with "hurray my side won".

So like Nugent says "Shut Up and Jam"

I want to respond though I will not be watching this thread anymore. James B. you are so right. There is enough blame to go around and both sides have a problem and I get just as pissed at Republicans for a lot of the things they do.

Now I will do what Nugent said and leave this thread.
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James B.
Scurvy Skalliwag
James B.

Number of posts : 12766
Age : 60

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 11:58 am

Where did all the "Liberal" war protestors go once their guy got in power and lied about ending the wars the last administration started on B/S premises ?

They were not on the street corners with signs and banners anymore.  They were not demanding impeachment for the new administration who followed the exact guidelines regarding torture as they did with his predecessor.

 Neither side will cry foul when something scandalous happens to on of their own, but finger point with full abandon when the other side does any kind of minor infraction or major endeavor.  Hypocrites galore !

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Th?id=OIP.Mf8_L3e01kyREFChW4XK_gEsDG&w=299&h=198&c=7&qlt=90&o=4&dpr=1.25&pid=1
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The King

Number of posts : 23274
Age : 50

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 11:59 am

Vexer6 wrote:
All this stupid fear-mongering "government is going to take EVERYTHING away from you" nonsense is completely ridiculous.  The REAL people you should be afraid are individuals like the Koch Brothers, i'd MUCH rather have the government take control of everything then have those money-grubbing bastards have thier way and completely remove all pollution regulations so that they can continue to destroy natural resources(and cause dozens to get sick with cancer in the process).

wow. So because you don't like them you believe the government should be able to take everything from them? No wonder people feel the way they do about government intrusion.

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 The_ki10
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The King

Number of posts : 23274
Age : 50

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 12:03 pm

James B. wrote:
Where did all the "Liberal" war protestors go once their guy got in power and lied about ending the wars the last administration started on B/S premises ?

They were not on the street corners with signs and banners anymore.  They were not demanding impeachment for the new administration who followed the exact guidelines regarding torture as they did with his predecessor.

Ill tell you where they are: calling foul that conservatives are doing to Obama what they did when Bush was in office. Its great for liberals to protest and spew hate when they think something is wrong but it is not right for conservatives to do the same.

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 The_ki10
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Heart of Metal
Heart of Metal

Number of posts : 1698
Age : 37

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 12:06 pm

James B. wrote:
Both parties have blame for what's wrong with our country.  Two sides of the same coin.  The bias media outlets are just as much a problem as our two party system.  Slinging the party rhetoric on both sides and are merely propaganda machines feeding partial truth to cause discourse and strife between the voting public.  Ever notice how some stupid issue pop ups (in the media) before national election time and both sides get all riled up and focus on that instead of having politicians offer up anything to fix real problems ?

  The arrogance of some people is amazing.  The way I see it, too many focus on how much smarter they think they are than those with opposing political views and due to that won't even consider compromise cause it's deemed beneath their pseudo-intellectual superiority.  A little common sense goes way further than waving a party flag, blinded to the hypocrisy around them, and only concerned with "hurray my side won".

So like Nugent says "Shut Up and Jam"

This wins post of the day. Spot on!
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mini boss
mini boss

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Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 12:06 pm

OK enough about politics, liberals vs conservatives, etc.

Lets get back to Nugent's music and back to trashing the shitty cover.

On musical front Nugent's has been on a bit of comeback, the quality of his last few albums have been excellent, the best since his mid 70's heyday.

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Heart of Metal
Heart of Metal

Number of posts : 1698
Age : 37

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 12:07 pm

manny wrote:
OK enough about politics, liberals vs conservatives, etc.  

Lets get back to Nugent's music and back to trashing the shitty cover.

On musical front Nugent's has been on a bit of comeback, the quality of his last few albums have been excellent, the best since his mid 70's heyday.

Yeah, that cover SUCKS.
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The King

Number of posts : 23274
Age : 50

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 12:10 pm

manny wrote:
OK enough about politics, liberals vs conservatives, etc.  

Lets get back to Nugent's music and back to trashing the shitty cover.

On musical front Nugent's has been on a bit of comeback, the quality of his last few albums have been excellent, the best since his mid 70's heyday.

I have only ever been a causal fan of Nugent. I like some of the stuff he has done but I dont listen all that often..

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 The_ki10
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James B.
Scurvy Skalliwag
James B.

Number of posts : 12766
Age : 60

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 12:12 pm

manny wrote:
OK enough about politics, liberals vs conservatives, etc.  

Lets get back to Nugent's music and back to trashing the shitty cover.

On musical front Nugent's has been on a bit of comeback, the quality of his last few albums have been excellent, the best since his mid 70's heyday.

I love the S/T and "Free For All" quite a lot. 

Wish Derek St. Holmes was back in the fold, was he recently ?

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Th?id=OIP.Mf8_L3e01kyREFChW4XK_gEsDG&w=299&h=198&c=7&qlt=90&o=4&dpr=1.25&pid=1
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Metal is my Life
Metal is my Life

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Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 12:15 pm

James B. wrote:
manny wrote:
OK enough about politics, liberals vs conservatives, etc.  

Lets get back to Nugent's music and back to trashing the shitty cover.

On musical front Nugent's has been on a bit of comeback, the quality of his last few albums have been excellent, the best since his mid 70's heyday.

I love the S/T and "Free For All" quite a lot. 

Wish Derek St. Holmes was back in the fold, was he recently ?

He is back in the fold and on the new album
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James B.
Scurvy Skalliwag
James B.

Number of posts : 12766
Age : 60

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 12:22 pm

thejokeriv wrote:
James B. wrote:
manny wrote:
OK enough about politics, liberals vs conservatives, etc.  

Lets get back to Nugent's music and back to trashing the shitty cover.

On musical front Nugent's has been on a bit of comeback, the quality of his last few albums have been excellent, the best since his mid 70's heyday.

I love the S/T and "Free For All" quite a lot. 

Wish Derek St. Holmes was back in the fold, was he recently ?

He is back in the fold and on the new album

Yippie !

Thanks Leo cool  crazy happy  butt dance

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Th?id=OIP.Mf8_L3e01kyREFChW4XK_gEsDG&w=299&h=198&c=7&qlt=90&o=4&dpr=1.25&pid=1
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mini boss
mini boss

Number of posts : 21101
Age : 54

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 12:24 pm

exact33 wrote:
manny wrote:
OK enough about politics, liberals vs conservatives, etc.  

Lets get back to Nugent's music and back to trashing the shitty cover.

On musical front Nugent's has been on a bit of comeback, the quality of his last few albums have been excellent, the best since his mid 70's heyday.

I have only ever been a causal fan of Nugent. I like some of the stuff he has done but I dont listen all that often..

As a casual you would enjoy 'Spirit of the Wild' and 'Craveman'. It sounds like classic Nugent.
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Heart of Metal
Heart of Metal

Number of posts : 1307
Age : 34

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 1:32 pm

exact33 wrote:
Vexer6 wrote:
DallasBlack wrote:
Quote :
I have good reason to hold conservatives to a higher standard, as from my experiences they tend to preach hatred and ignorance much more often then anyone else.

 Shocked  Shocked  Shocked  Shocked  Shocked  Shocked  Shocked 

BULL Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 288219 ! I've heard some of the most hateful, disrespectful, downright despicable vitriol from liberals moreso that conservatives. Most "hate" speech attributed to conservatives are either misquotes, out of context soundbites, or downright slanderous lies. I don't normally speak politics because I don't want that kind of riff between me and others. But I am sick and tired of my side of politics getting stuck with titles like racist, fascist, homophobes, etc. Are conservatives totally blameless and pure? Of course not! They're human flawed human beings that make mistakes like anyone else. However, liberals all too often seem to overlook the far left radicals of their side. Like that one recent shooting done by that white supremacist. The guy was a loyal democrat and outspoken anti-Semite but you never hear about that. However, if the guy was a tea party member (which is NOT an actual party but a series of grassroot groups that were tired of their values not being represented in political speech) it would be all over the news.

Now I don't want to put too much tention between me and you liberals around here. Most of you have been wonderful people to deal with (Manny, Uncle Saxon, Spectrefate, etc.) and have shown me that we can co-exist peacefully by staying away from political debates (though it was a little rough in the beginning). But the demonization of conservatives has gotten so out of hand these days that I just can't stand for it anymore. Sometimes a man just has to stand up for his values even though it might cause problems with others.
It's not "BS" at all, in my personal experiences I've NEVER heard any liberal say ANYTHING as revolting, disgusting, repulsive and sickening as someone like say Rush Limbaugh or Pat Robertson, those sick bastards can go to hell for all I care angry 

I'm not saying all republicans are like that, there are some moderate and reasonable ones that I like.

But unfortunately the conservative movement has been almost completely hijacked by all those wackjobs in the Tea Party, that's one group that to me stands for everything that's wrong with America today.

I honestly don't know of any far left "radicals", and besides right-wing radicals are talked about more because of how much more well-known they are, because of the sheer amount of hatred in everything they say, and thanks to Faux News they have a vehicle to spread they're lies and propaganda to everyone who will listen.


Lets take a look at some of the hate-spewing far left radicals:

1. comedian Wanda Sykes said that she hopes President Bush would die of AIDS.

2. Cher wished that Tea Partiers would die.

3. Martin Bashir, formerly of MSNBC, who wanted someone to urinate and defecate in Sarah Palin's mouth

4. Jim Carrey, a liberal celebrity, equated Fox News, a conservative network, with a colonoscopy bag

5. UCSF Fundraiser Stephanie Handler, an ardent supporter of Obamacare – so much so, she really hopes that the “non-believers” are denied all health care!

6. University of Kansas professor David Guth - went online and wished that the sons and daughters of the NRA be mass murdered.

7. Former Sacramento Democrats’ Communications Director Allan Brauer to those who opposed Obamacare "May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases."

8.  Author Joyce Carol Oates wished NRA members would get shot, so they might finally give up their damnable Second Amendment rights.

9. University of Rhode Island history teacher Erik Loomis launched into a profane tirade that accused the National Rifle Association of being a “terrorist organization” and called for the CEO’s “head on a stick,”.

10. liberal Chris Matthews has repeatedly connected conservatives to Nazis.

11.  Democratic Congressman Tom Lantos “Republicans were Goose Stepping in their pursuit of legislation.”

12.  moveon.org, financed by billionaire George Soros, posted a picture of George Bush wearing a Hitler mustache.

13. left-winger Linda Ronstadt said the Bush administration is a “new bunch of Hitlers.”

14. Michael Moore, whose Fahrenheit 9/11 portrayed Bush as the second coming of Adolf Hitler and the terrorist attacks of 9/11 as his Reichstag.

15. Barbara Streisand “Bush’s actions remind me of Herman Goering’s quote during the Nuremberg Trials, where he stated: ‘Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism. [....]‘”

16. NAACP director Julian Bond. In February 2006, Bond, said that the “Republican flag and the Nazi flag fly side by side.”

17. liberal radio host Mike Malloy lashed out at National Rifle Association members by labelling them the “current incarnation of the brownshirts from Germany.” On his radio show March 25, Malloy threatened to shoot an unspecified National Rifle Association board member, regardless of whether he or she was armed.

18. Illinois Democrat Gov. Pat Quinn tweeted—and then quietly deleted—several messages urging backers to read an article comparing black Republican voters to Jews who collaborated with the Nazis.

1- That was just a joke she told during a stand-up, big deal

2.- Yeah so? I've wished the very same thing myself.

3. Never heard of him.

4- Don't really see what's so bad about that, he's pretty much dead on there if you ask me.

5- I truly don't get all the rage against Obamacare, it's dumb and nonsensical.

6- Never heard of him

7- never heard of him

8- There are some people who go WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY overboard with the 2nd Amendment preaching(like those wackjobs who brought guns into a Chipotle and are asking for a "boycott" because they think they should be allowed to carry guns ANYWHERE regardless of public safety issues and damn the consequences)

9- Honestly Wayne La Pierce often comes off little better then terrorist organizations, especially with his insensitive comments about mass-shootings

10- Conservatives use the "nazi" analogy WAY more often

11- How on earth is that "offensive"? WTF does "goose-stepping" even mean?

12- Big effing deal, I don't think that's "hateful". I love that site and I am very proud to have signed dozens of petitions on there

13- Eh, so what?

14- You're WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY off base there, Moore NEVER once called Bush "the second coming of Hitler" or called 9/11 his "reichstag", that's just stupid. That movie was dead on about why Bush was such a failure of a president.

15- She's making an analogy, don't see what's so wrong with that and I can't entirely disagree either

16- Again, conservatives use the "nazi" term far more often

17- Never heard of him

18- Don't particularly like Quinn, as he abolished the death penalty in Illinois, which I am a supporter of.
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Heart of Metal
Heart of Metal

Number of posts : 1307
Age : 34

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 1:34 pm

exact33 wrote:
Vexer6 wrote:
All this stupid fear-mongering "government is going to take EVERYTHING away from you" nonsense is completely ridiculous.  The REAL people you should be afraid are individuals like the Koch Brothers, i'd MUCH rather have the government take control of everything then have those money-grubbing bastards have thier way and completely remove all pollution regulations so that they can continue to destroy natural resources(and cause dozens to get sick with cancer in the process).

wow. So because you don't like them you believe the government should be able to take everything from them? No wonder people feel the way they do about government intrusion.
Um, I NEVER said that, I simply said it would be preferable then having the Koch brothers have the same and be given free freign with no regulations.
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Heart of Metal
Heart of Metal

Number of posts : 1307
Age : 34

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 1:35 pm

James B. wrote:
Where did all the "Liberal" war protestors go once their guy got in power and lied about ending the wars the last administration started on B/S premises ?

They were not on the street corners with signs and banners anymore.  They were not demanding impeachment for the new administration who followed the exact guidelines regarding torture as they did with his predecessor.

 Neither side will cry foul when something scandalous happens to on of their own, but finger point with full abandon when the other side does any kind of minor infraction or major endeavor.  Hypocrites galore !
He didn't "lie" about that at all, the Iraq war ended didn't it? So why on earth would people protest over that?

There's no "hypocrites" here, just calling it as I see it.
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Heart of Metal
Heart of Metal

Number of posts : 1307
Age : 34

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 1:41 pm

DallasBlack wrote:
You know Vexer6, I listen to Rush Limbaugh EVERY day and haven't missed one hour since 2003. I have NEVER heard anything racist, sexist, hateful, or homophobic from his mouth. You don't even listen to Rush you just hear the lies, misquotes, and out of context soundbites (obviously you never actually listened to Fox News either because they are the only REAL news station around). THIS is why I don't like talking politics because people spit out whatever crap the media tells them. Well continue in your ignorance because it's obvious you have no idea what your talking about. Somehow,I knew your response would be just a bunch of liberal talking points but I thought maybe you'd be a more intelligent liberal who could disagree with conservatives and not give the usual BS but you're blinded by your hatred and ignorance of us and have to demonize those you disagree with. Talking this further with you will just be a waste of time and piss me off more than I already am. I'm outta this thread because I don't need the aggrivation (sic).

I hope you have a good day and life goes well with you but I will not further talk to you about politics because you are just too close-minded to really understand conservatism. Instead of just listening to whatever crap the media spits out at you try to think for yourself and actually listen to what conservatives say. However, I doubts that will ever happen.
Really?  You've NEVER heard him anything disgusting like what he said about Sandra Fluke(this "slut-shaming" is despicable)?

There's no "ignorance" here, i'm telling the truth, you're the one who's spewing ignorance if you seriously don't think there's anything offensive Limbaugh has EVER said

It's not a matter of "believing" what the media says(funny considering how many people are all too happy to blindly believe every single lie Faux News feeds them about Global Warming being a "myth"), it's undeniable facts.

These aren't just "talking points", they're facts, and you're only backing off because you can't refute anything i've said, you know i'm right but simply don't want to admit it:


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Metal is Forever

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PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 1:46 pm

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James B.
Scurvy Skalliwag
James B.

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PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 2:20 pm

Vexer6 wrote:
James B. wrote:
Where did all the "Liberal" war protestors go once their guy got in power and lied about ending the wars the last administration started on B/S premises ?

They were not on the street corners with signs and banners anymore.  They were not demanding impeachment for the new administration who followed the exact guidelines regarding torture as they did with his predecessor.

 Neither side will cry foul when something scandalous happens to on of their own, but finger point with full abandon when the other side does any kind of minor infraction or major endeavor.  Hypocrites galore !
He didn't "lie" about that at all, the Iraq war ended didn't it?  So why on earth would people protest over that?

There's no "hypocrites" here, just calling it as I see it.

The wars were still on when he took office and the throngs of protestors were no where to be seen.  That is hypocrisy.  There are troops in Iraq and Afghanistan still to this very day, so tell me what has ended ?  People still die there.  Again, twisting  reality and spinning the acorn to suit your agenda.  I see you have no comment about your guy running on a platform of ending the torture practices at Guantanamo Bay and once in office not only lied about stopping it, but furthered and enhanced the policies set forth by the previous administration. (crickets)

There is plenty to say about both parties, but you are the type to never admit that the problem lies with both.  Just the other.  You buy into the rhetoric set forth from your media outlets the same way you accuse the others of buying into what the media outlet they watch does to them.  It's funny as hell to me. that you don't see what a mirrored image both sides are in relation to one another.  The only contrast is the flavor of the lies/partial truths they report to incite the mob or push the agenda the powers that be want to use to manipulate attention from what they are actually trying to accomplish.  Which is the malfeasance of power, steal/waste money, abuse/abolish the rights of our citizens, and then go off and serve the ones that financed their campaigns and not the people who elected them into office. Which in the end is all they really need us for and IF they could do away with that aspect of the process, they would in a heartbeat.

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Th?id=OIP.Mf8_L3e01kyREFChW4XK_gEsDG&w=299&h=198&c=7&qlt=90&o=4&dpr=1.25&pid=1
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The King

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PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 2:27 pm

Vexer6 wrote:
exact33 wrote:
Vexer6 wrote:
All this stupid fear-mongering "government is going to take EVERYTHING away from you" nonsense is completely ridiculous.  The REAL people you should be afraid are individuals like the Koch Brothers, i'd MUCH rather have the government take control of everything then have those money-grubbing bastards have thier way and completely remove all pollution regulations so that they can continue to destroy natural resources(and cause dozens to get sick with cancer in the process).

wow. So because you don't like them you believe the government should be able to take everything from them? No wonder people feel the way they do about government intrusion.
Um, I NEVER said that, I simply said it would be preferable then having the Koch brothers have the same and be given free freign with no regulations.

uh yes you did "i'd MUCH rather have the government take control of everything then have those money-grubbing bastards have thier way".

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 The_ki10
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Heart of Metal
Heart of Metal

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PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 2:29 pm

James B. wrote:
Vexer6 wrote:
James B. wrote:
Where did all the "Liberal" war protestors go once their guy got in power and lied about ending the wars the last administration started on B/S premises ?

They were not on the street corners with signs and banners anymore.  They were not demanding impeachment for the new administration who followed the exact guidelines regarding torture as they did with his predecessor.

 Neither side will cry foul when something scandalous happens to on of their own, but finger point with full abandon when the other side does any kind of minor infraction or major endeavor.  Hypocrites galore !
He didn't "lie" about that at all, the Iraq war ended didn't it?  So why on earth would people protest over that?

There's no "hypocrites" here, just calling it as I see it.

The wars were still on when he took office and the throngs of protestors were no where to be seen.  That is hypocrisy.  There are troops in Iraq and Afghanistan still to this very day, so tell me what has ended ?  People still die there.  Again, twisting  reality and spinning the acorn to suit your agenda.  I see you have no comment about your guy running on a platform of ending the torture practices at Guantanamo Bay and once in office not only lied about stopping it, but furthered and enhanced the policies set forth by the previous administration. (crickets)

There is plenty to say about both parties, but you are the type to never admit that the problem lies with both.  Just the other.  You buy into the rhetoric set forth from your media outlets the same way you accuse the others of buying into what the media outlet they watch does to them.  It's funny as hell to me. that you don't see what a mirrored image both sides are in relation to one another.  The only contrast is the flavor of the lies/partial truths they report to incite the mob or push the agenda the powers that be want to use to manipulate attention from what they are actually trying to accomplish.  Which is the malfeasance of power, steal/waste money, abuse/abolish the rights of our citizens, and then go off and serve the ones that financed their campaigns and not the people who elected them into office. Which in the end is all they really need us for and IF they could do away with that aspect of the process, they would in a heartbeat.
I fail to see your point, why would people protest the president over a war he didn't even start?  That's just nonsensical.

It's not like he could've ended it just like that either, troops were so deep in IR\raq that it took a long time pull them all out.

I'm not "twisting reality" or "spinning the acorn"(whatever the hell that means) to suit my own "agenda", I'm merely calling things as I see them.  If you see things differently then I do, then that's just fine, but don't expect to convert me to your line of thinking.

I don't "buy into" anything, all of the stuff I said about the Koch brothers is 100% true, I didn't need the media to tell me what terrible individuals those two are.

Shutting down Guantanemo Bay is unfortunately nowhere near as simple as you make it sound:

Both sides are NOT a "mirror image" of the other(I find it "funny as hell" that you honestly believe that) and no I'm not "blind", I've never seen the left stoop anywhere NEAR as low as the right has countless times

Not EVERYONE is out to abuse people's rights and whatnot, I'm nowhere NEAR as pessimistic as you are and I think that's completely crazy.

Last edited by Vexer6 on Sat May 31, 2014 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Heart of Metal
Heart of Metal

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PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 2:30 pm

exact33 wrote:
Vexer6 wrote:
exact33 wrote:
Vexer6 wrote:
All this stupid fear-mongering "government is going to take EVERYTHING away from you" nonsense is completely ridiculous.  The REAL people you should be afraid are individuals like the Koch Brothers, i'd MUCH rather have the government take control of everything then have those money-grubbing bastards have thier way and completely remove all pollution regulations so that they can continue to destroy natural resources(and cause dozens to get sick with cancer in the process).

wow. So because you don't like them you believe the government should be able to take everything from them? No wonder people feel the way they do about government intrusion.
Um, I NEVER said that, I simply said it would be preferable then having the Koch brothers have the same and be given free freign with no regulations.

uh yes you did "i'd MUCH rather have the government take control of everything then have those money-grubbing bastards have thier way".

But that doesn't I believe they should, just that it's better then the alternative, having madmen libertarians in charge who don't give a damn about anyone but themselves and only care about making as much money as possible at the expense of everyone else.
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The King

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PostSubject: Re: Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam   Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 2:34 pm

exact33 wrote:
Vexer6 wrote:


Lets take a look at some of the hate-spewing far left radicals:

2. Cher wished that Tea Partiers would die.

2.- Yeah so?  I've wished the very same thing myself.

you wish people to die? and you dont think there is anything wrong with that??

Ted Nugent - Shutup&Jam - Page 3 The_ki10
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