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 An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records

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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2008 8:23 pm

An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records
Hello Matt,
Tell us a little about yourself.

Well this is a great time in my life. I just got married to a wonderful woman, and I now get to come home to a family of four great kids at the end of each day. My day job is actually working at a church developing the small group ministries and helping the church address leadership development. I have also been running a youth center called Common Grounds Coffeehouse. It reaches a lot of kids that come from rough home environments. I've been doing that for almost 10 years, and we get about 100 kids every time we open our doors.

My personal CD collection is out of control. I have somewhere between 5000-7000 cds. My wife thinks it's a bit excessive, but I've been working on it for at almost 20 years, so it's hard to let go of too many of them.

Can you give us a little background on Retroactive Records. Perhaps some history and how the label started.

I actually started out as Magdalene Records in 1998. Our first release was Charizma "Rock the World" which is still one of my favorite metal releases. I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew I didn't have time to do the Christian music mail order company Rugged Cross Connections (now called Rugged Cross Music) anymore. The direct sales were too labor intensive. I sold Rugged Cross Connections to Kent Freeman and I decided to leave direct sales to places like Rad Rockers, Blast Beats, and Kent Freeman. So I tried the record business.

I got hooked up with Brad Hamilton from M8 Distribution. We teamed up for a few years with M8 mostly doing the alternative side of things and Magdalene Records mostly doing the hard rock and metal side of things. It worked for a while, but it didn't take long for dealers and Christian Bookstores to owe M8 Distribution a lot of money that was never paid. That made it almost impossible for me to get paid. To make matters worse, M8 made some poor business decisions that ultimately doomed the company. I left the company in 2002 and started a new label called Retroactive Records. At the same time, I started my own distribution company called Brutal Planet Distribution. Brutal Planet Distribution's job is to get releases into the stores.

Tell us a little about the vision you have for Retroactive Records.

Originally, I intended Retroactive to be a reissues company. I have been into Christian metal since 1984 when my friend, Chris Smith, loaned me his Daniel Band "Run from the Darkness" cassette and my life was changed! I read Heaven's Metal, White Throne (RIP), and even CCM to get my metal fix as a kid. I wanted to bring these classics back to life and see them get a second chance to make an impact again. Plus, a lot of these bands had been treated poorly by their original record deals, and I wanted to be a label that lived up to our promises.

Now it's 2008, and many of the members of those classic bands we have reissued have made new music, with various band names. It's all been amazing, and so we started putting out new releases too! We have also started aggressive promotional campaigns in Europe, and a lot of our bands are getting reviews and interviews in the leading magazines over there. It's also exciting to see them getting played on the same radio stations that play Judas Priest, Whitesnake, and Dimmu Borgir. I want to give our bands a chance to break out. The bands have been wonderful to me, and I want to do everything I can to promote the bands.

Retroactive is one of the few labels releasing real heavy metal, whereas most other Christian labels seem to be focusing on more extreme styles of music or trendy pop rock.

I love all styles of metal, but classic metal has been our bread and butter, so to speak. Early on we did put out industrial (Circle of Dust) and even some extreme (Screams of Chaos). But with elite releases by bands like Final Axe, Titanic, Main Line Riders, and Bride, real heavy metal has been our strongest niche. We are proud of it!

It seemed for a while that Retroactive focused mostly on re-issues, but with the signing of bands like Main Line Riders, Deliverance and Ultimatum it seems that Retroactive is trying to be taken more seriously as a label. Would you agree?

I certainly hope so. I guarantee Retroactive Records releases are going to be quality releases that have solid promotion. More of our bands are touring now, and we hope people can see us as an elite record label putting out great releases!

Any big releases planned for the near future that you would care to share with us. New releases or re-issues.

Re-issues are very, very hard to do these days. There are bands like Arsenal, Apostle, Force 3, 100% Proof, Xalt, The Watchmen, Knightriot, Thresher, and Paradox that we would LOVE to work with, but the band members refuse, or won't follow through on important things that we need done. We would also love to reissue albums by Messiah, but we can't find the members anywhere! I have spent hours and hours working on deals with the people who own Star Song, Sparrow, and Word back catalogs, but in the end, there's too much risk or they are not set up to do licensing deals. If the Deliverance reissues sell well, we will consider reissuing more of their titles. Other than that, a new Oracle reissue with new artwork and bonus tracks is slated for early 2009, and that's about it. If you want to consider the re-releases of Titanic - Maiden Voyage, Titanic - Screaming in Silence, and Final Axe- Beyond Hell's Gate remixed with Robert Sweet on drums reissues, then those will probably see life at the end of 2009.

Excellent. I'm still hoping to see the Moshketeers -Downward Spiral reissue in the future.

I have been e-mailing Paul from the The Moshketeers. We are seriously looking into the possibility of re-releasing their entire catalog on CD. Paul is sending me copies of the music, and then we will go from there.

You are a big metal fan yourself. What are some of your favorite bands?

Aside from bands currently on my label, my favorites are Deliverance, Believer (Especially "Sanity Obscure"), Seventh Angel, Holy Blood, Barren Cross, Saint, Vengeance Rising ("Human Sacrifice" is unbelievable), Alice Cooper (my all-time favorite artist and his Brutal Planet album is a top 3 favorite), Becoming the Archetype, early King's X, Tourniquet, Grave Robber, Stryper, Maylene & the Sons of Disaster, Sympathy, and Barnabas. I love early Metallica, Black Sabbath, Destruction, Warlock, And, I have to say I really love all the bands on the label. The bands are great, but the people behind the bands are amazing too.

What are some of your favorite Retroactive releases?

Sheesh, that's a really hard question. Definitely something from the last few years because the quality of the packaging has improved so much since 2005. The list would have to include: Ultimatum "Into the Pit," Deliverance - "As Above," Final Axe "Axe of the Apostles," Titanic - "Full Steam Ahead," Grave Robber - “Be Afraid," The Seventh Power - "Dominion & Power," Main Line Riders “Shot In the Dark,” and Jupiter VI- "Back From Mars."

My favorite release might be Whitecross "Nineteen Eighty Seven" because I still remember the day I bought the original cassette that released on Pure Metal Records in 1987. To this day, that album still gives me chills.

But there are so many albums I feel honored to be able to have released - Daniel Band, Seventh Angel, Believer, etc. Believer's “Sanity Obscure” is one of my all-time favorite releases, so that one was cool to release.

What have been some of your best selling releases?

X-sinner, Whitecross "Nineteen Eighty Seven," Daniel Band, Final Axe, Seventh Power, Titanic have all sold well, but nothing beat Bride - Skin for Skin. Deliverance - As Above would probably be second.

Any funny stories related to the label that you would care to share? Lessons learned?

Well, I learned the hard way that just because an album is great doesn't mean people will buy it! I pressed up 1000 CDs by a favorite rock band of mine, LSU. The band's "Dogfish Jones" album is a rock masterpiece. That happened in 2005 and I think I still have over 900 of those CDs in stock! I learned that lesson with several industrial titles, and pretty much anything NOT hard rock/heavy metal or a classic reissue (like Servant). I have a handful of stories like this one, but LSU is by far the worst selling release of the label's history.

How has it been working with artists such as Bride, Deliverance and Ultimatum, all bands with a long history in the metal scene.

It really has been an honor. These were bands I grew up listening to, and now I have been able to work with bands that did so much for me growing up. These are great bands and the people who are in these classic bands are wonderful people.

I've read numerous reviews on the new releases from Deliverance and Ultimatum. There have been some overwhelmingly positive responses, as well as some very poor reviews. What do you think of the reviews of these two releases?

Some reviewers are biased. Some are biased against anything but a certain style of music that they like. Some are biased against Christian content in lyrics. The most frustrating thing is when a reviewer IS biased (maybe they only like progressive metal vocalists, or something), but they don't mention their personal bias on the review. Being biased is ok, but don't trash an album just because of your personal bias. I love both of those releases. I am honored that both bands are on the Retroactive team. Those are elite metal releases, so I am floored when either one gets less than a 10 out of 10!

How about Titanic, Final Axe and Seventh Power? Retroactive seems to focus heavily on Bill Menchen's many projects. What can you share about these?

It wasn't really a planned thing. Bill's just a musical genius, and keeps making more and more music. After a while I started to see how we could cross-promote these releases, and people were buying them like crazy. And, let's face it, anything Robert Sweet drums on is going to be better! So, Robert started drumming on all Bill's releases, and it always made them better, and it always made them sell well. And, over the years Bill and I have become very good friends. I want to support his music and ministry 100%.

On the upcoming MENCHEN release "Red Rock," we also added Tony Franklin (The Firm, Whitesnake, Quiet Riot, Blue Murder, etc) who is a bass ICON in the mainstream world of hard rock. This album actually started out as a guitar instrumental album I had asked Bill to record. But, as it progressed, I realized it was too good not to have vocals. Bill knew Ken Redding from His Witness, so he was a natural fit, and was glad to sing on a release of heavy metal all-stars.

Tell us about some of the more recent releases, such as His Witness.

Bill Menchen was friends with vocalist Ken Redding when they had been in a band called Omega (or something like that). This was years before His Witness, Titanic, or anything. Bill and Ken had kept in touch, and Bill calls me up and tells me he has been working on getting a melodic metal album ready for release. He wants to know if I would be interested. I give it a listen, and I am blown away with this release. I realize it's a hidden gem that no one even knows about! So, we work out a deal, and give the album some new life. I love the artwork that our artist, Jan Yrlund did for that one too. It was originally a self- titled album, but I thought naming it “Kingdom Come” would give it a more metal flavor.

Anything else you would care to share?

I am very grateful for all the support our bands get from websites like no Life 'Til Metal, Angelic Warlord, Doug Van Pelt, Olaf Becker, Marty Hoeft, Cliffy, Rob Colwell, Mike Delaney at Rad Rockers, and Greg Hayes at Girder Music. And, I couldn't imagine life without the help of David Bixler. This is a great, great scene to be in because I get to work with people who care about the bands and the music. There's a team mentality, and everyone benefits when we support and help one another.

We do have some KILLER new releases coming out in 2009. Boarders is a band from Italy that is power/thrash metal with a top notch vocalist. Arnion is thrash metal from Brazil in the vein of Kreator (I love that style!), and we just agreed to a deal for USA distribution with Rob Rock to release Fire's of Babylon's debut release featuring Rob on vocals, plus a member from Winter's Bane, ex-Death, and ex-Annihilator. Rob penned the lyrics himself and they are amazing!

You'll also be seeing the original Recon album reissued, along with a NEW Recon album in 2009.

Some may realize we have partnered up with Bombworks Records (labels will remain separate), and we have some tremendous new releases scheduled for 2009, including a new album from the band Disaffection out of Brazil. They have a total Believer meets Slayer meets Extol vibe. I'm a thrash/speed metal-aholic, so I can't wait for that to release on Bombworks in 2009.

Also coming out on Bombworks will be a Vengeance Rising Tribute CD featuring all 13 tracks from the Human Sacrifice cd, plus bonus cuts from the other albums.

Thanks to all the fans who give us a chance and support our bands. Without the fans supporting us, we wouldn't get to do that which we love!

Retroactive Records
Bombworks Records
Brutal Planet Distribution
www.myspace.com/ultimatummetal (American thrash metal)
www.myspace.com/music4thelion (Italian prog/power metal band Boarders)
www.myspace.com/arnionthrash (Brazilian Speed/Thrash band Arnion)




(Home to Classic Rock & Metal!)


Last edited by ultmetal on Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:58 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Jada Pinkett Smith's Cabana Boy

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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2008 9:06 pm

Very interesting.
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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2008 9:08 pm

Quote :
You'll also be seeing the original Recon album reissued, along with a NEW Recon album in 2009.

I thought a new album wasn't happening? scratch
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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2008 10:36 pm

spectrefate wrote:
Quote :
You'll also be seeing the original Recon album reissued, along with a NEW Recon album in 2009.

I thought a new album wasn't happening? scratch

I'd love to have new Recon, but I'll believe that when I see it.

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The lost Ramone

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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2008 10:51 pm

Cool. That Vengeance tribute disc sounds interesting.
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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 6:39 am

Quote :
Other than that, a new Oracle reissue with new artwork and bonus tracks is slated for early 2009, and that's about it.

Woot. Cool
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Much Cooler than the other 72

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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 8:42 am

I look forward to that Boarders release.Also,Arnion have a great sound.Cool Interview!
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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 10:29 am

Shawn Of Fire wrote:
Quote :
Other than that, a new Oracle reissue with new artwork and bonus tracks is slated for early 2009, and that's about it.

Woot. Cool

Just curious, but do you get a paycheck for that?
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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 10:44 am

Quote :
Thanks for sharing Scott! I noticed that Matt did not answer the question about a Moshketeers reissue! Sad Arnion, Boarders and Disaffection are all really good bands!

I asked Matt about the Moshketeers stuff and he replied:
I have been e-mailing Paul from the The Moshketeers. We are seriously looking into the possibility of re-releasing their entire catalog on CD. Paul is sending me copies of the music, and then we will go from there.

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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 10:52 am

cool, thanks ult

you need to get retroactive to spiff up it's website a little, last time I was on there it was very lacking.
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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 11:13 am

sam wrote:
cool, thanks ult

you need to get retroactive to spiff up it's website a little, last time I was on there it was very lacking.

I think they are using their MySpace site moreso than their web site.


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Metal is my Life
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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 11:22 am

Some great news there, especially the Moshketeers and Recon stuff. Oh, and Oracle of course!

An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Metal_metropolis_logo2
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Much Cooler than the other 72

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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 11:23 am

ultmetal wrote:
Quote :
Thanks for sharing Scott! I noticed that Matt did not answer the question about a Moshketeers reissue! Sad Arnion, Boarders and Disaffection are all really good bands!

I asked Matt about the Moshketeers stuff and he replied:
I have been e-mailing Paul from the The Moshketeers. We are seriously looking into the possibility of re-releasing their entire catalog on CD. Paul is sending me copies of the music, and then we will go from there.

Yeah,I hope it happens.The Downward Spiral needs a proper CD release
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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 11:31 am

i still have a sealed selah tape...i got it with the cd and i never played it...then the M8 split came, then a bootleg cd of that split and now a new reissue(hopefully with the demo like in the case of sardonyx)....

i would release the angelic force stuff with the mistress on the vox, so great...and sure the arsenal stuff with the other mistress, christine steel, i have only 2 demos from them(i think they made at least 5 before their armored choir cd-which i don't like coz they had to mellow their stuff in order to get signed i think).....time to listen to the power from angelic force.....
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Metal is my Life
Metal is my Life

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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 11:43 am

Yeah, why don't you pester Robert about re-releasing the Angelic Force stuff! I only have the demo, but would love to have the album as well!

An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Metal_metropolis_logo2
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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 12:20 pm

Quote :
hopefully with the demo like in the case of sardonyx

It will be Selah with the 4-song demo as bonus tracks...
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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 12:38 pm

sharatan wrote:
i still have a sealed selah tape...i got it with the cd and i never played it...then the M8 split came, then a bootleg cd of that split and now a new reissue(hopefully with the demo like in the case of sardonyx)....

i would release the angelic force stuff with the mistress on the vox, so great...and sure the arsenal stuff with the other mistress, christine steel, i have only 2 demos from them(i think they made at least 5 before their armored choir cd-which i don't like coz they had to mellow their stuff in order to get signed i think).....time to listen to the power from angelic force.....

The former singer for Angelic Force use to live down the street from me some years ago. Her name was Stacey. She was a talented girl and still does music, but not metal. Every once in a while she shows up to Ultimatum gigs. She's in Ultimatum's friends list on MySpace.

I'd like to see that Angelic Force stuff get released too but Robert doesn't own the master tapes.


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Fat Freddy
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Fat Freddy

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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 12:56 pm

Retroactive is fast becoming one of my favorite labels. They got the good stuff.

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Metal master
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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 2:03 pm

ultmetal wrote:
An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records

Some may realize we have partnered up with Bombworks Records (labels will remain separate), and we have some tremendous new releases scheduled for 2009, including a new album from the band Disaffection out of Brazil. They have a total Believer meets Slayer meets Extol vibe. I'm a thrash/speed metal-aholic, so I can't wait for that to release on Bombworks in 2009.

Also coming out on Bombworks will be a Vengeance Rising Tribute CD featuring all 13 tracks from the Human Sacrifice cd, plus bonus cuts from the other albums.

This is very interesting news. I was led to believe a merging of sorts of Retroactive & Bombworks as the last Retroactive release had 'BW' in the bottom heading. I can see this being only a plus to both labels.
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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 2:10 pm

I think Matt now owns both labels and is distributing both through Brutal Planet, but David from Bombworks is still handling the label stuff and the two labels will remain separate, at least that's the way I understand it.


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Metal master
Metal master

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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 5:19 pm

I was surprised to see that Bride is his best seller ever...

Really looking forward to Oracle. I'd love to see some new stuff from Recon, but I'm skeptical.
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Metal is my Life
Metal is my Life

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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 5:54 pm

Very nice interview.
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The lost Ramone

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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 7:27 pm

The moshketeers definately needs to happen as well as Angelic Force sometime. I only have a CD burn copy of downward spiral...time for updating.
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Heart of Metal
Heart of Metal

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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeWed Dec 03, 2008 11:46 am

Good interview !!

Some of the bands on his wish list to be re-released would be great such as Paradox, 100% Proof or Apostle.

can't have everything I guess. !
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An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records   An interview with Matthew Hunt, Retroactive Records Icon_minitimeWed Dec 03, 2008 12:13 pm

others tried before with matt harding from APOSTLE/STEEL ARMADA but the guy is a b$tch to work with ....then some made counterfeit copies of "prepare..." and made more money than he ever made with his music...i wished i could help with messiah....the guy who did the great cover artwork was a friend of mine(RIP my bro) but i lost contacts after he passed away...
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