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 Anyone here ever fired from a job?

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the sentinel
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Metal is my Life
Metal is my Life
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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 12:52 pm

I almost was once. I got a scare one night a few years ago when I still worked at Stream. I got a call saying not to come to work the next day. However, the next day, I got a call and they said they had an opening on another contract in the building that they offered me. I accepted it. It turned out to be a good move, as the other contract better suited my work ethics.
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Master Of The Crotch Grab

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 1:05 pm

Once, but it was part of that downsizing crap, so it wasnt anything directly my fault.
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mini boss
mini boss

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 1:24 pm

I was also let go once for downsizing and than rehired by the same company. When I was younger I had a band that got some interest from an indepenant label, the deal was so bad, I refused to sign on the dotted line, needless to say I was fired. To make a long boring story short, the band did sign to the label, and after they paid for a number of demo recording sessions they were dropped without ever having released an album. Now adays we would have created a myspace account and posted the songs on there, but than those were different times. Now can someone do me a favor and hand me my walker.
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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 1:29 pm

I got fire for surfing porn once. The porn in question:

Anyone here ever fired from a job? Frickinpervert2

Anyone here ever fired from a job? Frickinpervert1

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Master Sailboat

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 1:48 pm

i did as a teenager. back then, i had a real attitude problem... not like now.

Anyone here ever fired from a job? MNxjcKm
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Much Cooler than the other 72

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 2:22 pm

mc666 wrote:
i did as a teenager. back then, i had a real attitude problem... not like now.

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Metal graduate
Metal graduate

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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 2:43 pm

I never got fired from a job but not being able to get a job is just as bad.
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Heart of Metal
Heart of Metal

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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 3:59 pm

I worked for a grocery store as a bag boy. My boss was a real dink all the time. He switched the schedule on me like the day before I was supposed to have a day off, switching me to working that day. I was mad but I went and talked to the night shift manager, who said he would find someone to work half of it and he would work the rest. A couple of days later when I went back to work my boss called me in his office and yelled at me for like 10mins. straight. He told me that I need to work what I'm scheduled and I told him that he changed the schedule, which he denied. Long story short he fired me for not showing up even though the night shift guy worked for me. I was part of the union then so I took him to arbitration court and got my job back after like 2 hours of crap and then promptly quit right there in the office.
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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 10:21 pm

Twice. Downsized once and got hired at a place that said the position was quality control but it turned out to be cleaning rafters 30 feet in the air and I get vertigo that high up. Suckage.
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Metal is my Life
Metal is my Life

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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2008 4:22 am

Once. I worked at a supermarker for eight months and the boss treated me like crap the entire time I was there. I wasn't exactly heartbroken when he did. Drew unemployment for six months and didn't have to do anything!
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Metal is my Life
Metal is my Life

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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2008 8:46 pm

Never have. Been a victim of lay off before.
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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2008 10:44 pm

Never! Something that I'm definitely proud of.
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Metal is my Life
Metal is my Life

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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 8:56 am

Been laid off before
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the sentinel
Metal is Forever
the sentinel

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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 07, 2008 2:11 pm

No. And I hope to keep it that way. Very Happy
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Much Cooler than the other 72

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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 07, 2008 3:08 pm

Never have been but sometimes I wish for it.Unemployment sounds so good sometimes.
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Jada Pinkett Smith's Cabana Boy

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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 07, 2008 5:26 pm

Never fired....but quit once right before because the writing was on the wall. I was a car salesman!! But I sucked and wouldn't lie and didn't like pushing people around so I was mediocre at best and awful on a bad month. I strung together a couple really bad months and my manager told me it was probably coming soon from the boss man, so I saved him the trouble. I finished out my month and went to work for children's home for wild and MHMR boys. Much less money, 1000x more satistfying work. Helping others, instead of just getting randomly paid.
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Ate his vegetables

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 07, 2008 6:32 pm

Only once. I was working at Wendy's and got hungry. You can probably guess where I'm going with this. Ate too many fries, and the manager got kinda mad.
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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 8:23 am

I Had a couple of times

First time It was 1990-93 I cant remember exactly when then but I got a call from my boss ripping me a new one cuz i screwed up an order (I worked in a print shop) I had no training and given my current knowledge base of the field there was no way I could not screw it up, I always asked for help but rarely got it, boss was seldom there he fired me over the phone.... the next day he called me back to apologize and said he was hasty

Second time was 1994 I was laid off as the company was downsizing/going under(the job where i met my wife)

Third time was 1999/2000 I was laid off due to work flow

Fourth time was 2000 I worked this really crappy data entry job, at the time i had a problem with absentism and was absent one time too many and so they terminated me.

Fifth time was 2007 when I worked for Dell, they laid me off pretty much eliminated my dept and then sent it overseas....

6 times in all, I forgot to throw in a job i had in 1992 I was "Let go"
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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 8:26 am

Schbopo wrote:
Only once. I was working at Wendy's and got hungry. You can probably guess where I'm going with this. Ate too many fries, and the manager got kinda mad.

Wendy's doesn't hire 12 year olds.
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Ate his vegetables

Number of posts : 4958
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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 11:22 am

Sure they do. You just have to know what to say.
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Metal is my Life
Metal is my Life

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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 3:15 pm

Schbopo wrote:
Sure they do. You just have to know what to say.

I used to manage Wendy's right out of college, the job SUCKED. What a pain getting high school kids to do the job they are getting paid for (i.e. - take out the trash, clean the grill correctly, etc).

They don't hire 12 year olds. 16 year olds, but not 12 year olds.

and I would have fired you too for eating the fries (according to the Wendy's manual, that is called theft)!!!!
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Ate his vegetables

Number of posts : 4958
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 3:50 pm

thejokeriv wrote:
I used to manage Wendy's right out of college, the job SUCKED. What a pain getting high school kids to do the job they are getting paid for (i.e. - take out the trash, clean the grill correctly, etc).

They don't hire 12 year olds. 16 year olds, but not 12 year olds.

and I would have fired you too for eating the fries (according to the Wendy's manual, that is called theft)!!!!

I'm 15. I thought it was an alright job. $7.50 an hour, not doing anything, the smell of grease and dead animals....good times.
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Metal is my Life
Metal is my Life

Number of posts : 12811
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Anyone here ever fired from a job? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 4:11 pm

Schbopo wrote:
thejokeriv wrote:
I used to manage Wendy's right out of college, the job SUCKED. What a pain getting high school kids to do the job they are getting paid for (i.e. - take out the trash, clean the grill correctly, etc).

They don't hire 12 year olds. 16 year olds, but not 12 year olds.

and I would have fired you too for eating the fries (according to the Wendy's manual, that is called theft)!!!!

I'm 15. I thought it was an alright job. $7.50 an hour, not doing anything, the smell of grease and dead animals....good times.

Back in the early 90's, they didn't hire 15 year olds.
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Dinky Do

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 10:04 pm

I've been fired 2 times and i quit about 10 jobs haha. The last time i was fired me and my friends at work were playing baseball with a piece of wood and a made tape ball. The ball was hit onto a rack and got stuck. I climbed up and asked my friend to look out for me. Well he did a shitty job and the boss came by and seen me 20 feet in the air dangling by a skid. Needless to say i was fired and still got unemployment, so that made my day. @ weeks later the company closed down...
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Metal master
Metal master

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 10:34 pm

No, but I have fired some deserving folks over the years.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone here ever fired from a job?   Anyone here ever fired from a job? Icon_minitime

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