- pricekillers001 wrote:
- i guess ebay keep past 3 months sale history. if i am correct, i have to sell any bootleg cd only one time for 3 months not to prevent the account be blocked. but it is just guess.
I believe last 3 months is the limited period users can access, but eBay keeps older records so you still may be for a trouble even if listing same bootleg only once per 3 months. Also keep in mind that the warnings are cumulative and if caught 3 times eBay most probably will suspend your account indifinitely (and perhaps all other accounts you have accessed from the same IP address).
All dealers which try to pass the Greek bootlegs / CD-R knock-offs for the real deal must die a very violent death
eBay are cunts, they would nuke a seller almost for nothing, but would never do anything to stop notorious "buyers" like Jamez Arwhine which will register a new ID every two weeks and go on a "buying spree" bidding ridiculous amounts on THOUSAND CDs and then come up with lame excuses "my mother died / the dog ate my credit card / I got in a car crash" sort of jokes and never pay... egads!
/end of rant