I've been resisting it awhile, but they've finally fixed what I've been resisting about digital downloading. For a long time i've always been worried that I'd lose my files when my computer inevitably crashes.
A few weeks ago, Amazon sent me an email and alerted me that all the CDs I've bought from them are now located in my cloud player. Granted that's not a huge number, considering I usually bought used from the marketplace, however it was a nice gesture. So I put the Cloud Player app on my phone and I've been using it extensively at work.
Also very nice is many of their CDs qualify for the Auto Rip service, which means they give you the mp3 files when you buy a CD from them. The best part of that is the total doesn't take away from how many songs you can have on their free version. I like this because if my physical copy becomes damaged, lost or stolen I still have the songs.
Now I seriously doubt I'll become a digital only music collector, but its nice to have options, that's for sure.