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 Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!

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Fat Freddy
James B.
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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 11:24 am

Press Release from Mortification:
"Jan 19th I celebrate my 47th Birthday but more importantly 15 Years Out of a Bone Marrow Transplant! I am breaking all the Records as a Survivor of Acute Lympoblastic Leukaemia with a Philadelphia + Chromosome! God has given me NEW LIFE to fulfil HIS calling on my life to present Jesus Metal . Rock & Death Metal! The New Life Achievement Program Pro Video will be up on You Tube early November & fe...atured here & all over The Net! I play Bass & perform The Brutal Death Metal Vocals for new Mort Song THE JAWS OF LIFE on the 12 min presentation! It is now in edit. Please Please pray that this Program Fundraiser is a success! I am offering The Gift of a Treasured Bass as God has given me The GIFT of 15 yrs of New Life! Hoping the Supporters can give Rowe Productions a new lease on life!"

"Today I Recorded The Professional Video Recording of The Mortification/ Wonrowe Vision New Life Achievement Program. It is a Fund Raiser with an aim to raise $7000 by Jan 19th to release The New Mort & Record The 2nd Wonrowe Vision. People can win one of my Bass Guitars if they donate over $100 & state in 15 words or less why they deserve to win 1 of my Mort Basses more than anyone else."

Any questions or concerns pls feel free to contact my USA promotional manager Sherri Ross
Jesus metal blessings,Steve Rowe~Mortification
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Metal master
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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2011 8:55 pm

Wow - fifteen years already. God bless him - that's so awesome.

Rock on Steve Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! 604261
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Road Warrior

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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2011 11:56 pm

Can't believe it's been 15 years... God bless him.
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James B.
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James B.

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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2011 7:54 am

Jahovah Rapha

Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Th?id=OIP.Mf8_L3e01kyREFChW4XK_gEsDG&w=299&h=198&c=7&qlt=90&o=4&dpr=1.25&pid=1
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Metal master
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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2011 9:46 am

the project begins!! thank you for your support! if you have any questions or concerns pls dont hesisate to ask me..thanks!
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Metal master
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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 9:37 am


the following words are from Steve Rowe and taken from his Infiltration Squad facebook page.."In the 1st week of this Program we have had just 1 donation of $100 & no other donations at all? Maybe Jesus Metal might be in it's Dying Day? I just wanna do God's will & be Unashamed of The Gospel of Jesus Name! Come & join us if you feel the same way. Blessings. Steve."
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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 12:55 pm

Wow, i do hear old 80's Mort in that cut! Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! 604261
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Metal is my Life
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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 1:11 pm

Perhaps you should provide a link to this fundrasing thing then, Sheeri.

Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Metal_metropolis_logo2
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Fat Freddy
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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 1:45 pm

Quote :
"In the 1st week of this Program we have had just 1 donation of $100 & no other donations at all? Maybe Jesus Metal might be in it's Dying Day?"

...or maybe the economy totally sucks for everybody right now so they don't have the spare cash to donate to a project like this?

...just sayin'.

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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 3:06 pm

Fat Freddy wrote:
Quote :
"In the 1st week of this Program we have had just 1 donation of $100 & no other donations at all? Maybe Jesus Metal might be in it's Dying Day?"

...or maybe the economy totally sucks for everybody right now so they don't have the spare cash to donate to a project like this?

...just sayin'.

That's my problem. I LOVE Morty and have been a part of every money raising effort they've done, but unfortunately, I just don't have it at the moment.

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Metal master
Metal master

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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 3:22 pm

Scott, we love you endlessly for all your support and encouragement and we know that you will lift this project and Steve Rowe in prayers and that means so much!!

Kurt,the link was in the video but,i will put it here and i also thank you for your support and encouragement! i was on the CMR and was baffled seeing a post there..ppl like that kick you in th gut all the time!!

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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 7:26 pm

ultmetal wrote:
Fat Freddy wrote:
Quote :
"In the 1st week of this Program we have had just 1 donation of $100 & no other donations at all? Maybe Jesus Metal might be in it's Dying Day?"

...or maybe the economy totally sucks for everybody right now so they don't have the spare cash to donate to a project like this?

...just sayin'.

That's my problem. I LOVE Morty and have been a part of every money raising effort they've done, but unfortunately, I just don't have it at the moment.

Same here, I gave my support in the past to Morty, but I no longer am interested in supporting any bands project if they don't have the means to do it themselves. I'm at the point where if a band can't record an album without donations from their fans, it's time to call it a day. And when fans have totally stopped their support due to the economy or lack of interest in the band, that should really be the last nail in the coffin.
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Road Warrior

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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 08, 2011 6:40 am

Fat Freddy wrote:
Quote :
"In the 1st week of this Program we have had just 1 donation of $100 & no other donations at all? Maybe Jesus Metal might be in it's Dying Day?"

...or maybe the economy totally sucks for everybody right now so they don't have the spare cash to donate to a project like this?

...just sayin'.

I agree. People can't just throw money around like they used to... He may just have to slow down and take more time on his music. The music suffers when it's rushed anyway.
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Metal is my Life
Metal is my Life

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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 08, 2011 7:02 am

Someone should create a website with info regarding this stuff. I'm not sure that many people want to watch a 15 mintue video to pre-order a CD.

Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Metal_metropolis_logo2
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Shawn Of Fire
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Shawn Of Fire

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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 08, 2011 8:10 am

The whole "fan-funded" thing is a double-edged sword.

In theory, the thought is that the "fans" would want a new album so much that they'd not only pay for it in advance, but some of them would pay the equivalent of 4 or 5 CDs in order to maybe win a signed copy of it or a guitar (or some other prize).


Things like the economy, loss of interest in a band (which bands will never comp to...they'll just blame downloading), not knowing what you're paying for (what if you plopped down $50, you did not win the prize, you did not win the autographed copy, AND you think the album sucks once you get it?), timing, and many other factors play a part in whether "fans" will participate.

This is not something that, IMO, a band on Morty's level can expect fans to jump on quickly. "Only $100 in the first week"...what was he expecting?

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The King

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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 08, 2011 8:12 am

Shawn Of Fire wrote:
The whole "fan-funded" thing is a double-edged sword.

In theory, the thought is that the "fans" would want a new album so much that they'd not only pay for it in advance, but some of them would pay the equivalent of 4 or 5 CDs in order to maybe win a signed copy of it or a guitar (or some other prize).


Things like the economy, loss of interest in a band (which bands will never comp to...they'll just blame downloading), not knowing what you're paying for (what if you plopped down $50, you did not win the prize, you did not win the autographed copy, AND you think the album sucks once you get it?), timing, and many other factors play a part in whether "fans" will participate.

This is not something that, IMO, a band on Morty's level can expect fans to jump on quickly. "Only $100 in the first week"...what was he expecting?

yeah - I saw the fan funded thing work with Rhino Bucket and Tourniquet but I still have my doubts too about the long-term success of this model. i just cannot shell out even $25 for all the bands I lsiten to. It just aint economically feasible.

Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! The_ki10
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Shawn Of Fire
Metal is Forever
Shawn Of Fire

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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 08, 2011 8:19 am

Here's my thing (MY thing...opinion only):

If you're NOT a pro-musician, if you don't depend on music to feed, clothe and house you, then you need to suck it up and either A- do it however slowly on your own or B- find a label/benefactor that's still willing to fund you.

DO NOT ask fans to "pre-order" a record that doesn't exist yet. DO NOT do that. It reeks of desperation. It tells me that you take your fans for granted. You expect them to support you based on the past, not on the present.

"Help us to continue to bring you new music"...please. If you believed in what you were doing enough, you'd spend $250 on an 8-track recorder, record your songs as simply as possible, and give them away. You would NOT ask for money from people who don't know you, who may have liked you 20 years ago, in order to "get your music out there".

It's not "creative thinking"...it's selfish. You want a sign? The fact that you can't get anyone else to fund your record should be a sign.

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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 08, 2011 10:16 am

Shawn Of Fire wrote:
Here's my thing (MY thing...opinion only):

If you're NOT a pro-musician, if you don't depend on music to feed, clothe and house you, then you need to suck it up and either A- do it however slowly on your own or B- find a label/benefactor that's still willing to fund you.

DO NOT ask fans to "pre-order" a record that doesn't exist yet. DO NOT do that. It reeks of desperation. It tells me that you take your fans for granted. You expect them to support you based on the past, not on the present.

"Help us to continue to bring you new music"...please. If you believed in what you were doing enough, you'd spend $250 on an 8-track recorder, record your songs as simply as possible, and give them away. You would NOT ask for money from people who don't know you, who may have liked you 20 years ago, in order to "get your music out there".

It's not "creative thinking"...it's selfish. You want a sign? The fact that you can't get anyone else to fund your record should be a sign.
I'm having a hard time disagreeing with you....I'm trying, but I'm just unable to separate my "gut" feeling the first time I've heard of this method, and what you're saying.... People like Scott supporting it in the past...well sure, he/we are already fans so naturally we want it to happen. But this strategy just doesn't seem like the answer.

But, I completely agree with saving every dime you can and financing a project by yourself if that's your passion. That's great. But it takes time and sacrifice and extraordinary effort. The "creative thinking" should be, how can I make more money now to do what I want to later. And it's not so much creative as just hard work. If you're passionate about something, you'll deliver pizza's, sell cars, or do whatever you have to do above and beyond what you already do, to make it happen. I'm doing that right now just to make ends meat, and try to get caught up. I'm not looking for a "sponsor?" I'll do it myself because God will provide me with the means to do it, period. I have total faith in that.
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Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project!   Steve Rowe and Mortication announce new project! Icon_minitime

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