This brings back a very bitter memory for me...
Back in the Summer of 1993 I wrecked my truck. I was riding my bike back and forth to work. I had been lifting weights for a while so I was a solid 170-175 (5'8"). One day this greasy, shady looking guy pulls up to me while I'm riding and asks for a moment....I'm thinking "perve...what's this freak want?" He hands me his business card...he's a "scout" or recruiter, if you will, for the Smokey Mountain Wrestling Federation. (I lived in Ohio at the time). He said he was looking for the scrub/gimp/punching bag guys. $50 a night on Sat. nights on the local scene. They had 175-225 weight class and 225 and up, so I would be one of th 175-225 scrubs. They would train you and you never know, you might be good enough or have the flair to go on tour making up to 6 figures. Remember, this was in 1993 when the "New Wave" of wrestling hadn't taken off. This was wrestling's down time when it was pretty goofy to watch. Well, I took the guys card but never called. TO THIS DAY it's one of my biggest regrets. Even if I never made it I could tell my kids and grandkids I got paid to wrestle...I was a professional wrestler. These days guys PAY to go to wrestling camps with the hope and prayer that they can catch on....back then it wasn't so popular. GOD! I wish I would have done it!!!
SO, I have no idea what my persona would be cause I don't like to think about it...too bitter...