On my last trip to Virgin I got three albums from bands I never knew existed until then. They would have been blind purchases (something I just can't do anymore with a limited budget-and so many damn albums out there) if Virgin did't have a way to hear samples from most of the CDs they carry. This album is Nova from Argatis: Just like the last three, these guys are from Locomotive records and Germany (where the hell does Germany get all this talent from?). These guys stradle the fence between symphonic metal and goth metal. The orchestration is kept to a minimum but it does contain beauty and the beast vocals (though the beast vocals are also kept to a minimum). The female vocalist has an unusal voice that at first I found somewhat annoying but I have since developed a taste for it.
The first song is one that stands out the most on this album IMO and is a great representation of what her voice sounds like. They are the least favorite of my recent discoveries but they are pretty decent. I will probably get their debut in the futre. Here is a song from that album: