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PostSubject: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 11:31 am

Ultimatum - Into the Pit

Il nuovo album degli Ultimatum esce nel 2007 e si intitola "Into The Pit". Non a caso si evoca il "pit", il luogo in cui, di fronte al palco, i fan del thrash metal più oltranzista si scatenano nel pogo e nell'headbanging selvaggio. Questo nuovo CD della band americana è infatti un manifesto del thrash più classico, innervato delle classiche ritmiche moshy, tipiche della band della costa orientale, da Anthrash a Overkill nella scena secolare.

Il nuovo disco si fa valere per diversi fattori. Prima di tutto la produzione è ottimale e la violenza del sound dei nostri emerge con vigore; in secondo luogo il lavoro alle chitarre di Robert Gutierrez è davvero superlativo. Nel corso delle undici track presenti il chitarrista inanella una serie di riff che siamo sicuri diventeranno dei classici per la band e per il genere.

Non viene poi tralasciato il legame fortissimo con lo stile degli Overkill del periodo mediano, garantito dalla voce di Scott Waters (anche in forza negli Once Dead); la sua ugola, non certo sopraffina, ma acidissima ed energica, dona un quid di cattiveria in più a schitarrate già arrembanti. Aggiungiamo poi che l'ottima registrazione fa emergere con grande sfoggio di potenza il lavoro della sezione ritmica di Rob Whitlock (basso) e Alan Tuma (batteria), ben visibile in vari frangenti a partire dall'iniziale inno thrashy intitolato 'One For All'.

Si può forse dire che questo CD rimarrà come il lavoro degli "inni" degli Ultimatum, che oltre all'opener aggiungono la grandiosa 'Heart Of Metal', un vero anthem, ritmatisssimo e decisamente mosh, dedicato ai thrasher, come emerge dal testo del micidiale ritornello: "Neck snapin', fist pumpin', head banging, heart of metal."

Il disco non manca di sorprendere con una cover di 'Wratchild' degli Iron Maiden, rivista in stile Ultimatum, ossia molto più grezza e abbastanza deludente. I nostri invece colpiscono sempre nel migliore dei modi quando si esprimono "a modo loro", come nel caso di un alro pezzo da novanta come la cadenzata e potentissima 'Deathwish', che inizia con lo zompettante basso di Rob in primo piano.

Veramente devastante è poi la nuova versione di 'Blink', che vede come ospite all'assolo di chitarra Augustine Ortiz. La versione originale di "Symphonic Extremities" era poco più di una demo song, qui invece siamo di fronte a una signora canzone di puro mosh che farà la gioia di tutti i pogatori del globo.

La fede fortissima dei nostri esce in brani come la più oscura e cadenzata 'Blood Covenant' ed ha come protagonista assoluto Gesù Cristo e la salvezza che egli porta al mondo: "Jesus Christ the author, perfector of our faith, who for the joy before Him / Bore the cross'shame, pardon our iniquity, removed the crimson stain / Through sacrifice, redeem the human race."

In alcune song come ad esempio 'Exonerate' in cui si può riconoscere un'ispirazione derivante dai secolari Sadus, ritroviamo il tema della Salvezza: "Praise the One who paid the debt, / The debt I could not pay, raise this life, / From the dead, fellowship restored. / Restored!"
In conclusione, nonostante "Into The Pit" sia stato realizzato in un lungo arco temporale (consideriamo che il precedente album "The Mechanics Of Perilous Times" era del 2001), l'impressione all'ascolto è di un lavoro compatto e pieno di energia che fa raggiungere agli Ultimatum ottime vette compositive.

Leonardo Cammi

Voto: 7.5/10

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Fat Freddy
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Fat Freddy

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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 11:47 am

I just tried translating it using Alta Vista's Babelfish ( http://world.altavista.com/), but as you can see, what I got back didn't make a heck of a lot of sense...hey, at least it's funny. Laughing

The new album of the Ultimatum exits in 2007 and intito it "Into The Pit". To case it is not evoked "pit", the place in which, of forehead to the theater box, the fan of thrash metal the more oltranzista they are get loosed in the pogo and in the headbanging wild. This new CD of band the American is in fact a manifesto of thrash the more classic, innervato of the classic ritmiche moshy, typical of the band of the coast orients them, from Anthrash to Overkill in the secular scene. The new disc is made to be worth for various factors. First of all the production is optimal and the violence of the sound of ours emerges with vigor; in the second place the job to the guitars of Robert Gutierrez is indeed superlativo. In the course of the eleven track present chitarrista inanella a series of riff that we are sure will become of the classics for the band and for the kind. It does not come then omitted the strongest tie with the style degli Overkill del median period, guaranteed give it to voice of Scott Waters (also in force negli Dead Ounces); its ugola, not sure excellent, but acidissima and energetic, donates a quid of badness in more to schitarrate already boarding. We add then that the optimal recording makes to emerge with large sfoggio of power the job of the ritmica section of Rob Whitlock (low) and Alan Tuma (battery), very visible in several surfs to leave from begins them hymn thrashy entitled ' One For To. It can perhaps be said that this CD will remain like the job of "hymns" of the Ultimatum, than beyond to the opener add the huge ' Heart Of Metal', a true one anthem, ritmatisssimo and decidedly mosh, dedicated to the thrasher, as it emerges from the text of the deadly one ritornello: "Neck snapin', fist pumpin', head banging, heart of metal." The disc does not lack to be strange with one cover of ' Wratchild' of the Iron Maiden, review in style Ultimatum, that is much cruder and enough disappointing one. Ours instead hit always in the best one of the ways when they express themselves "to way", like in the case of alro a piece from ninety like the marked the rhythm and most powerful ' Deathwish', that it begins low with the zompettante of Rob in Association of Bologna. Truly devastating it is then the new version of ' Blink', that it sees like host to the assolo of guitar Augustine Ortiz. The version originates them of "Symphonic Extremities" was little more than a demo song, instead we are of forehead to one mrs. here song of pure mosh that it will make the joy of all the pogatori of the globe. The strongest faith of ours exits in brani as darkest and marked the rhythm ' Blood Covenant' and it has like absolute protagonist Jesus Christ and the salvation that he door to the world: "Jesus Christ the author, perfector of our faith, who for the joy before Him/Bore the cross' shame, pardon our iniquity, removed the crimson stain/sacrifice Through, redeem the human race." In some song as as an example ' Exonerate' in which an inspiration deriving from the Sadus laity can be recognized, we find again the topic of the Salvation: "Praise the One who paid the debt,/The debt the could not pay, raise this life,/From the dead, fellowship restored./Restored!" In conclusion, although "Into The Pit" it has been realized in along temporal arc (we consider that the previous album "The Mechanics Of Perilous Times" was of 2001), the impression to I listen is of a compact and full job of optimal energy that ago to catch up to the Ultimatum compositive summits.

"I am reluctant to get too deep into politics, and I don’t expect politicians to get too deep into music."
- Paul Stanley

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Number of posts : 19452
Age : 57

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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 11:50 am

I don't even know what language it is. LOL!

Could be Italian I guess.

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Fat Freddy
Metal, Movies, Beer
Metal, Movies, Beer
Fat Freddy

Number of posts : 37869
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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 11:51 am

ultmetal wrote:
I don't even know what language it is. LOL!

Could be Italian I guess.

Yea, it's Italian... I edited my original post, gave it a shot using Babelfish. You'd need to find someone who actually speaks Italian to help it make more sense than the mish-mash Babelfish came up with, obviously!!

"I am reluctant to get too deep into politics, and I don’t expect politicians to get too deep into music."
- Paul Stanley

HEY KIDS! Check out my way-cool CD and movie reviews and other geeky nonsense on the HubPages Network: http://hubpages.com/@fatfreddyscat
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Fat Freddy
Metal, Movies, Beer
Metal, Movies, Beer
Fat Freddy

Number of posts : 37869
Age : 54

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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 11:53 am

"the impression to I listen is of a compact and full job of optimal energy that ago to catch up to the Ultimatum compositive summits."

---Ummm, I guess that means he liked it?? Very Happy

"I am reluctant to get too deep into politics, and I don’t expect politicians to get too deep into music."
- Paul Stanley

HEY KIDS! Check out my way-cool CD and movie reviews and other geeky nonsense on the HubPages Network: http://hubpages.com/@fatfreddyscat
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Number of posts : 19452
Age : 57

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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 11:56 am

Fat Freddy wrote:
"the impression to I listen is of a compact and full job of optimal energy that ago to catch up to the Ultimatum compositive summits."

---Ummm, I guess that means he liked it?? Very Happy


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Fat Freddy
Metal, Movies, Beer
Metal, Movies, Beer
Fat Freddy

Number of posts : 37869
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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 11:58 am

"The disc does not lack to be strange with one cover of ' Wratchild' of the Iron Maiden, review in style Ultimatum, that is much cruder and enough disappointing one."

Uh-oh... sounds like he didn't like that track...

"instead we are of forehead to one mrs. here song of pure mosh that it will make the joy of all the pogatori of the globe."

Cool, the pogatori of the globe LOVE that pure mosh!!

OK, I'll stop now. Laughing very hard

"I am reluctant to get too deep into politics, and I don’t expect politicians to get too deep into music."
- Paul Stanley

HEY KIDS! Check out my way-cool CD and movie reviews and other geeky nonsense on the HubPages Network: http://hubpages.com/@fatfreddyscat
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Number of posts : 19452
Age : 57

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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 12:03 pm

Fat Freddy wrote:
"The disc does not lack to be strange with one cover of ' Wratchild' of the Iron Maiden, review in style Ultimatum, that is much cruder and enough disappointing one."

Uh-oh... sounds like he didn't like that track...

"instead we are of forehead to one mrs. here song of pure mosh that it will make the joy of all the pogatori of the globe."

Cool, the pogatori of the globe LOVE that pure mosh!!

OK, I'll stop now. Laughing very hard

I got a laugh out of reading it as well. Indeed "the globe LOVE that pure mosh!!" headbanger

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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 12:09 pm

Ult, check PM
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Fat Freddy
Metal, Movies, Beer
Metal, Movies, Beer
Fat Freddy

Number of posts : 37869
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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 12:15 pm

ultmetal wrote:

"the globe LOVE that pure mosh!!" headbanger

Well, SURE the globe do... I mean, who DOESN'T? Laughing very hard

"I am reluctant to get too deep into politics, and I don’t expect politicians to get too deep into music."
- Paul Stanley

HEY KIDS! Check out my way-cool CD and movie reviews and other geeky nonsense on the HubPages Network: http://hubpages.com/@fatfreddyscat
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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 12:23 pm


"Into the Pit is an amazing album, We even like it in Italy!"

I took a semester of Italian back in the early 90's.
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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

Number of posts : 4077
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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 12:23 pm

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Metal is my Life
Metal is my Life

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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 1:09 pm

Ask that Cliffy guy over at the CMR. I think he speaks most languages by now.... Razz

Translation please? Metal_metropolis_logo2
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Fat Freddy
Metal, Movies, Beer
Metal, Movies, Beer
Fat Freddy

Number of posts : 37869
Age : 54

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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2008 3:19 pm

Every time I re-read that "translation" of the article that I posted earlier, I find another funny...

Quote :
get loosed in the pogo and in the headbanging wild

I think that oughta be the title of Ultimatum's next CD! 🤘

"I am reluctant to get too deep into politics, and I don’t expect politicians to get too deep into music."
- Paul Stanley

HEY KIDS! Check out my way-cool CD and movie reviews and other geeky nonsense on the HubPages Network: http://hubpages.com/@fatfreddyscat
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Baron Von 40oz.

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PostSubject: Re: Translation please?   Translation please? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2008 3:48 pm

wow. great timekiller
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