Although they are kind of a second rate Nightwish, I really liked the album Cast Away. A lot of people had problems with the male vocalist, but I didn't mind. The female vocalist had very pretty operatic voice (although she wasn't very attractive, but ultimatly that shouldn't matter). When I heard they had gotten rid of her and found a replacement, I automatically thought that they wanted a more astetically (sic) pleasing front woman (pretty shallow thinking, huh?) well after seeing, and hearing, the new vocalist it would seem I was right. Apart from being a major hottie, the new vocalist has the exact same sounding voice as the previous one (unfortunatly, even in metal, looks are everything when it comes to women). On to the music, while cast away was more power metal, the power is deminished as the symphonic elements have increased. For me that is not a bad thing, I love symphonic metal (even if there is little seperating the bands that do that). VOA do a real good job and I venture to say that this album exceeded my expectations and will probably make it in my top 20 list. As for the male vocalist, while (as I said) I had no problem with his voice before but now it is 100X better. This guy improved a LOT and while the female voice is the same, his voice is almost new and that could be what I like most about this album. Not anywhere as good as the new Epica and After Forever but with some more time, they could reach that level.