I got to see Malice twice. One show, the stage was only three feet high....and the band walked through the crowd....Mick was tall....and the bass player too. They were dressed in black leather with silver...I always wonder why they only did two releases....or why James Neal parted ways.....they were with A major label....and production was awesome. Stellar Masters - was a song that always made me think of Mick, when I blasted the CD in my car. That sound. That mood. Someone at a outdoor concert, a gal, wanted to know my favorite band - I thought for ten seconds - and told her " Malice " . That was 1995 or so lol. She, of course, had no idea who they were. In fact, she thought I was joking with her. It was at a Iron Maiden show. Mick Zane - R.I.P 💥