I came across this short series (six episodes) on the web a week or so ago and think more than a few here would probably enjoy it.
In a nutshell it is the story of a graphic novel that has it's sequel's unpublished manuscript surface. The writer of said books wrote both while in an insane asylum and the first one was very prophetic as it told of events that occurred after it's publishing. After word gets out that the Utopia Part 2 has appeared, it sets off a series of events that the series explores in the six hour long episodes.
Though a drama, there is plenty of action and at the core is a strong sci-fi mystery story that takes the whole series to unfold. Conspiracies, multiple corresponding story lines, and well developed characters turned watching this into a six hour marathon. And probably one of the most violent television shows that I have seen. Right from the first scene in the comic shop you know this will not be your normal television show.
I can honestly say that this has been one of the best television shows I have seen. By the end of episode one I had no idea what was going on. Episode two added to the confusion, but by episode three things started to piece together; but I did not figure the whole mystery until it unfolded at the end of episode six.
Oh, and "Where is Jessica Hyde?"