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 Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem

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Alex Dee Rokket
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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 6:51 am

Some of you may be scratching your head reading the thread topic - I mean underrated? When the album itself has one of Crue's most popular songs and ballads, Home Sweet Home. However, take a step back and you'll notice that apart from that song the album doesn't get much praise or recognition. Anyone who talks Crue is quick to point to Shout At the Devil, Dr. Feelgood, the debut and to some extent even Girls x 3. In that regard I consider this album quite underrated - I never hear anyone talk about the quality of this release, and how diverse and heavy it is.

You can feel how Crue matured with this album, and in many ways it feels like the next step from Shout at the Devil. I'm tempted to consider this album part 2 of Shout At the Devil, minus the fact that the songs are not quite as memorable as on Shout. Nevertheless, it is still a solid and consistent album. It is a culmination, a coming of age if you will of Motley Crue's earlier style. It brings together the raw, undiluted attitude of Too Fast For Love mixed in with the anthemic vibe of Shout at the Devil, with a crunchier riffs and an overall heavier delivery.

This is the last pure 'Crue' album before the band would switch to a sleeker production and less consistent songwriting.

What do you guys think about this album?
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Fat Freddy
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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 8:24 am

THEATRE OF PAIN was where I got off the Crue train, actually. I had been really big on the first two records, esp. SHOUT AT THE DEVIL. Back then I thought they were the most awesome, heaviest, most evil band on Planet Earth. (keep in mind I was in 8th grade at the time...haha). So I was stoked for THEATRE when it came out....but man, what a disappointment. The irritating "Smokin' in the Boys Room" was the first single and as soon as I heard that (and saw the accompanying video) I was like "Uh-oh." Nevertheless, my brother and I pooled our allowance money and bought the album (a common practice for us in those days as we were broke teenagers) and after one spin we both kinda looked at each other like "Well, that was ten bucks down the drain." Haha.

I couldn't get past their new look either. Not only had Vince Neil killed the drummer from Hanoi Rocks, but then the Crue looked like they'd raided the poor bastard's wardrobe closet while everyone was at the funeral.

THEATRE was my first experience with a favorite band "jumping the shark." Haven't really paid them much attention since.

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Metal is my Life
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PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 8:38 am

I'm with FF - except after hearing the annoying "Smokin'", I didn't bother to buy the album. Among the metal heads at my high school, there was a collective Beavis And Butthead like "Uhh.... what is this crap?" Fortunately we had the underground (at the time) bands like Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax to keep us occupied.
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Much Cooler than the other 72

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PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 8:46 am

Being a big Crue fan since middle school I've always liked this album.At the time it was probably my favorite but has since been replaced by Shout at the Devil.Still a decent listen though.
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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 9:10 am

A big disappointment after having released two of the best metal albums ever recorded IMO.

Full review: http://www.nolifetilmetal.com/motleycrue.htm#pain

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Road Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 9:29 am

I like HSH. Haven't heard the rest, except for Smokin'...
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Bukkake Tsunami

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PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 9:52 am

I haven't played this album in quite some time, but I certainly played the heck out of back in the day.

Looking back now over the track-listing, I'd have to disagree with ya Alex and say while I have some fond memories of the album, there is allot of filler on there. With the exception of the 2 hit singels ('Home Sweet Home' and 'Smokin...') there isn't much on there that stands out to me as "heavy" or "classic". I should probably give it a fresh spin to see if anything pops out at me after all these years, but I'd say it's pretty lackluster overall.

If you read 'The Dirt' or Nikki's 'Heroine Diaries', I think you see that the Crue themselves don't think to highly of this release either. They were all riding high and deep in all the excess the road has to offer. This album was pretty quickly thrown together to keep them out on the road so Vince could make money to pay off his legal bills and stay outta jail.

I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me, and it'll happen to you, too.
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mini boss
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PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 9:55 am

When I first bought the album I hated it, especially hated 'Smoking in the Boys Room', hated their new look.

Over the years my view on the album has mellowed and I think it is ok, never cared for and still don't for 'Smoking in the Boy's Room' and 'Home Sweet Home' and their attempts at mature lyrics on the song 'Fight for Your Rights' are laughable.

There are few ok songs such as 'City Boy Blues' and.......ok there was 'City Boy Blues'
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James B.
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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 10:33 am

prime example of what too much smack, Jack, and butt-crack can do to a band

Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Th?id=OIP.Mf8_L3e01kyREFChW4XK_gEsDG&w=299&h=198&c=7&qlt=90&o=4&dpr=1.25&pid=1
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Metal is Forever

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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 11:02 am

or as I called it "Theatre Of Shame".... I was so disappointed when it came out after loving "Shout..." so much and the new look didn't help. When a neighbor kid asked to borrow it and never returned it I wasn't bothered(I never replaced it, either). Like FF, that was the last Crue album that I bought.

Maybe I should take another listen to it. After all I haven't listened to it at all in over what, 20+ years? Really! Damn!

This thread made me feel old.... Thanks...........
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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 11:29 am

I'd actually say this album was overrated. It sold millions of copies on the two singles, despite the fact that it was mostly filler material.

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Fat Freddy
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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 11:39 am

ultmetal wrote:
I'd actually say this album was overrated.

I'd say that most of Motley Crue's material (outside of a few singles) was "overrated" from this point onward.

But then, that's probably just me. Razz

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Bukkake Tsunami

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PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 11:47 am

ultmetal wrote:
I'd actually say this album was overrated. It sold millions of copies on the two singles, despite the fact that it was mostly filler material.

I tend to agree with that.

Other than probably 'Home Sweet Home', have any other songs from that album made it to their live set-list in the last 20 years or so? That's usually a pretty good indicator on how the band members think of certain songs or albums.

EDIT: Ok, so 'Louder Than Hell' was featured on the Carnival of Sins live album in 2006 as well as 'Home Sweet Home'.

I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me, and it'll happen to you, too.
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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 11:54 am

The Crue was always on the edge of being a great one but that's it, they stayed on the edge. Their greatest hits and S/T is all I need.
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Metal is my Life
Metal is my Life

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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 12:03 pm

I was not too impressed with Theatre Of Pain. It was one of my first purchases through Columbia House back in the day (on vinyl). After Shout At The Devil,this is what they put out? The two singles were okay but the rest just didn't do much for me. I sold off my vinyl years ago and never replaced it. I doubt I ever will but never say never I guess.
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Metal is my Life
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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 12:11 pm

Only liked their first two records. Shout at the Devil at one time was my favorite record ever. From there on out...no thanks.
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The King

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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 12:40 pm

I really like TFFL and Theatre is ok but the first is better.

Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem The_ki10
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Master Sailboat

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PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 1:49 pm

this album sucks balls. especially following the first two.

Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem MNxjcKm
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Metal is Forever

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PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 2:13 pm

The only album i own is shout at the devil, which is splendid.

I heard a couple of tracks from theater of pain, but didn't feel willing to get it.
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Heart of Metal
Heart of Metal

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PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 2:23 pm

mc666 wrote:
this album sucks balls. especially following the first two.

That pretty much sums it up for me, too.
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Alex Dee Rokket
Heart of Metal
Heart of Metal
Alex Dee Rokket

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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 2:35 pm

Wow I'm certainly in the minority here when it comes to this album. I didn't expect so many of you disagreeing however I must admit when I first heard it many years ago when I was starting to get into Motley Crue this album didn't impress me much either.

I recently dusted it off to give it another shot. I couldn't remember any of the songs except the singles off the album but upon hearing it several times over again, I started liking it more than in the past. Despite being put together rather quickly as it was and for whatever ulterior motives, my new found appreciation of this album remains unchanged. I still feel it's a combination of the first two just perhaps not as catchy as the first two.
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Metal is in my blood
Metal is in my blood

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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 2:42 pm

I don't think it's a bad album, but it certainly isn't good. There's a few really great tracks, but most of it leaves me cold.

Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem MnoAeeo
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Metal Misfit
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Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 3:00 pm

I've always liked it. It's a continuation of the first two albums. It's not as good as those two but I don't really hear anything different other than "Smokin'" and "Home Sweet Home". Nikki himself has said the album didn't turn out very well but I've always thought different. I bought this album the same time I bought the debut I've loved them both ever since.

Smokin', Louder Than Hell, Save Our Souls, Tonight, HSH, Keep Your Eye on the Money... C'mon, these are Crue classics.
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The King

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PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 3:54 pm

I think the Crue went through a drought from Theatre until Dr. Feelgood. GGG has some good songs but also has a lot of filler.

Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem The_ki10
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Bukkake Tsunami

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PostSubject: Re: Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem   Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain - underrated gem Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 4:09 pm

exact33 wrote:
I think the Crue went through a drought from Theatre until Dr. Feelgood. GGG has some good songs but also has a lot of filler.

Agreed. Theater... is the result of a band having too much fun and just saying "f**k it" in the studio. Girls, Girls, Girls continued down that slippery path. The live version of 'Jailhouse Rock' was put on there because they couldn't write and entire album's worth of material and needed some padding.

I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me, and it'll happen to you, too.
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