Out of little more than boredem, I decided to set up a Myspace account for me to upload any songs I get the chance to record myself. As it stands, material is pretty scarce due to a lack of recording equipment, but still opinions never hurt.
There's only two songs on there thus far, the first, 'Walk With The Herd' I think I linked to at some point in a slightly less developed form. Admittedly, I haven't changed much other than cut the length - the double-take vocals are still very odd sounding (as well as the performance being of varying quality, but hey, I never claimed to be a singer), the lead guitar tone is a bit rubbish and there is some slightly sloppy playing, but I still maintain it's a fun song with some tongue-in-cheek Skyclad-styled misanthropy for lyrics. The second, 'Don't Stress', is just some acoustic thing I threw together for a friend's online radio show at some point over summer. Nothing flashy, but I think it's a decent little ditty. Probably benefit from some real vocals over it, as it seems a bit bare as just an instrumental but for now I'll leave it as is.
I have a bunch of songs I'd like to record, but at the moment I don't have access to an 8-track, so anything more added will be done through the wonders of a poor quality computer microphone. However, if all goes to plan, I might be able to get a band together fairly soon. And as per usual, I've rambled incessently so I'll leave it that. Feel free to toss honest opinions my way.