Lastly for today’s updates we need to request some help from our Intense Millennium Records friends and fans out there! There’s no way around this except to be open and honest and tell people that the sales of the IMR reissues has not been as well as expected. It can be attributed to a lot of things, the current state of the economy probably being the biggest factor! We want to (and will continue to) bring you some excellent quality reissues and even some brand new stuff to all! But we are at a point where we need to raise some funds to continue so for a short while you can now get an exclusive Roxx Records Package for $100 we will only be offering 20 of these packages!!
THIS ONE TIME $100 ROXX RECORDS PACKAGE consists of 13 titles and a total of 17 discs!!!!!!
Compilation - Extreme Mardi Gras (1 CD)
Compilation - Sign Here (1 CD)
Crossforce - Rockin til the Final Day (1CD) *
Crystavox - The Twenty Year Mix (1 CD / 1 DVD)
Deliverance - Temporary Insanity (2 CD)
Eternal Ryte - Anthology (2 CD)
Liberty n Justice - Chasing a cure LP (1 CD)
Mortification - Break the Curse (1 CD / 1 DVD)
Moshketeers - Downward Spiral (1 CD)
Oil Chopping Block - (1 CD)
Pastor Brad - Break Out (1 CD)
The Sacrificed - 2012 (1 CD)
Thresher - Here I Am (1 CD)
*NOTE Crossforce CD will ship upon release date!
These packages will be shipping Priority Mail in their factory sealed cases! In order to do this we need to add the appropriate shipping so please select the correct package please!
USA $13.95 Priority Mail Shipping
Outside the US $38.95 Priority Mail Shipping
US Version:
OR If you like it on the heavier side and want in on the first reissues offered from IMR we are also offering a one time special package featuring all the IMR titles for you here….