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 Journey-Dream After Dream

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Metal is Forever

Number of posts : 7831
Age : 43

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PostSubject: Journey-Dream After Dream   Journey-Dream After Dream Icon_minitimeWed Dec 10, 2008 8:42 pm

I never even heard of this until just now. It was only released in Japan as a soundtrack and consists of mostly instrumentals. Is this worth getting? I really like the first 3 albums and only a few Steve Perry tracks.
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Metal is Forever

Number of posts : 7831
Age : 43

Journey-Dream After Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey-Dream After Dream   Journey-Dream After Dream Icon_minitimeWed Dec 10, 2008 11:36 pm

Ah well, I got it any way at the urging of my wife. I'll let you all know how it is.
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Journey-Dream After Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey-Dream After Dream   Journey-Dream After Dream Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 10:01 am

It's a movie soundtrack I know...the song "Little Girl" is amazing...
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Metal is Forever

Number of posts : 7831
Age : 43

Journey-Dream After Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey-Dream After Dream   Journey-Dream After Dream Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 4:01 pm

After listening to Dream After Dream it reminds me a lot of the first Journey in that there's is very little singing. And when there is,it's very much like Greg's style on the S/T. Little Girl is the closest to a Steve Perry style Journey song.
It's a very mellow album, a lot of orchestral movements and guitar. Greg Rolie is very much laid back and I think that is what's really missing but all in all, it was a wise purchase.
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mini boss
mini boss

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Age : 54

Journey-Dream After Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey-Dream After Dream   Journey-Dream After Dream Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 4:09 pm

Is this a full length album with Journey songs or just an EP, also what year was this recorded? Thanks.
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Journey-Dream After Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey-Dream After Dream   Journey-Dream After Dream Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 4:11 pm

manny wrote:
Is this a full length album with Journey songs or just an EP, also what year was this recorded? Thanks.

Dream After Dream (1980) Dream After Dream, performed by American rock group Journey, is the soundtrack to the Japanese film of the same title. It was released in 1980 on the Columbia Records label. The soundtrack consists mostly of instrumental tracks with sparse vocals on two tracks, "Destiny" and "Sand Castles". The closing song, "Little Girl" is the only true vocal track. It was later featured on Journey's Time3 collection.
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mini boss
mini boss

Number of posts : 21101
Age : 54

Journey-Dream After Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey-Dream After Dream   Journey-Dream After Dream Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 4:18 pm

spectrefate wrote:
manny wrote:
Is this a full length album with Journey songs or just an EP, also what year was this recorded? Thanks.

Dream After Dream (1980) Dream After Dream, performed by American rock group Journey, is the soundtrack to the Japanese film of the same title. It was released in 1980 on the Columbia Records label. The soundtrack consists mostly of instrumental tracks with sparse vocals on two tracks, "Destiny" and "Sand Castles". The closing song, "Little Girl" is the only true vocal track. It was later featured on Journey's Time3 collection.

Thanks for the info, sadly I now have to add Journey's boxset to my never ending want list.
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Metal is Forever

Number of posts : 7831
Age : 43

Journey-Dream After Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey-Dream After Dream   Journey-Dream After Dream Icon_minitimeFri Dec 12, 2008 4:28 pm

manny wrote:
spectrefate wrote:
manny wrote:
Is this a full length album with Journey songs or just an EP, also what year was this recorded? Thanks.

Dream After Dream (1980) Dream After Dream, performed by American rock group Journey, is the soundtrack to the Japanese film of the same title. It was released in 1980 on the Columbia Records label. The soundtrack consists mostly of instrumental tracks with sparse vocals on two tracks, "Destiny" and "Sand Castles". The closing song, "Little Girl" is the only true vocal track. It was later featured on Journey's Time3 collection.

Thanks for the info, sadly I now have to add Journey's boxset to my never ending want list.

I got the box set for the song Cookie Duster, an unreleased song from Journey's first incarnation.
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PostSubject: Re: Journey-Dream After Dream   Journey-Dream After Dream Icon_minitime

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