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 Monthly Newsletter August 2011

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Telmorn Altayon
Metal student
Metal student
Telmorn Altayon

Number of posts : 121
Age : 46

Monthly Newsletter August 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Monthly Newsletter August 2011   Monthly Newsletter August 2011 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 05, 2011 4:07 pm

Monthly Newsletter August 2011 Edition
Twitter: @BBRPro

One month into our offices and were excited at all the positive feedback we have received. Thanks to all who came out to our first free seminar July 14.

Erin Chase had her first photo shoot last week pictures will be out soon. She is working hard for her single to be released in the coming months.

We have had some very fruitful talks with three groups for marketing exposure and consultation. BBR Looks forward to announcing these fine folks very soon so keep an eye out for the forthcoming announcements.

Its been a busy month with several websites being developed, our own Blogs starting up and several new clients added to the family. Time to Expand? Maybe so!

This Month
We will be holding a free seminar on the 18th of August which is open to artists of all kinds start time is 7 pm and should run until 9 pm. For more Info please call our offices.

We have picked up two scripts we are casting for one a theater production and one TV pilot. We are also in talks with Discovery for a reality show so stay tuned for that. If you would like to be considered for any of these please send an email to BBRoseproductions@gmail.com

We are looking to schedule a group of people for head-shots this month. Last month we had several people come in to the offices for this and it went very well for all involved. If you are interested, and you should be! Call and we shall set you up.

Tom's Notes
I am a big fan of change, or moving forward and succeeding in goals. Goals I've set and those around me. I enjoy working with Ed, and the clients that have come in looking to make a career of their chosen skill. I am very excited about Erin Chase, and what we have coming up for her. In the next month I look forward to making more happen with BBR Productions, including our other projects in the works. Peace in harmony, until again...

Ed's Notes
It has been an amazing month. Four new clients, in talks for another three. Headshots, Photoshoots, Graphic design, New blogs and the possibility of a Virtual Online office presence. Best of all I met many many new people. I want to thank those of you who came out to our seminar this past month, you folks were great.

Coming soon to a ....
We are offering classes now on Communication, Marketing, Branding, Social Media.

We have been kicking around in the office the idea of having a FFA type meeting (that's a free - for all you non namers) Were we would let people come in and just have a 'anything goes' type of format. We think this would be beneficial to many people allowing them to ask their own specific questions and hear others as well. We would be interested in hearing your opinions on this so send us an Email with them.

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