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 CDA FEATURED ARTISTS 7/12/07: Roots of Christian Doom, pt. 1

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Janitor of the Void

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CDA FEATURED ARTISTS 7/12/07: Roots of Christian Doom, pt. 1 Empty
PostSubject: CDA FEATURED ARTISTS 7/12/07: Roots of Christian Doom, pt. 1   CDA FEATURED ARTISTS 7/12/07: Roots of Christian Doom, pt. 1 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2007 12:13 pm

CDA FEATURED ARTISTS 7/12/07: Roots of Christian Doom, pt. 1


1. BLACK SABBATH - "After Forever": The grandaddy of them all. Sabbath had references to God prior to this in their music (i.e. "Black Sabbath", "War Pigs", "Electric Funeral"), but never quite this blatant. In fact, this song may be single-handedly responsible for the entire Christian Doom sub-genre coming into existence. This song has been mired in controversy since its inception however, with the early fans of the band's dark imagery taking offense to the blatant pro-Christ/pro-God references, and the church assuming that the song was nothing more than a mockery of its subject matter. However you take it, it can't be denied that this is a pivotal song in Doom Metal history which has been covered by numerous bands, both secular and Christian alike. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/After_Forever_%28song%29

2. BANG - "Lions, Christians": A rather obscure proto-metal release from 1971, Doom Metal bands and fans alike tend to cite this band as another early doom influence along with bands like Sabbath, Blue Cheer and early Pentagram. This song basically chronicles the Roman practice of throwing Christians to the Lions as a form of entertainment. The victims of the practice did not seem to find it quite so entertaining however, as the lyrics plainly state. More on the history of this phenomenon here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Christians#Persecution_of_early_Christians_by_Romans

3. TROUBLE - "Psalm 9": One of the first bands to take up the Sabbath banner (along with Witchfinder General and Saint Vitus) and make their own brand of music with it - thus beginning the sub-genre of doom metal in the 80's. Trouble had a huge influence on the development of the Christian Doom sub-genre due in no small part to their blatant Christian lyrical content (particularly on their first two albums, Psalm 9 and The Skull) as displayed in the song featured here that has lyrics taken directly from Psalm 9 in the Bible: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%209&version=9

4. SAINT VITUS - "Saint Vitus": Another seminal band in the creation of not only the Doom Metal movement, but Christian Doom as well. While Vitus' lyrics did not tend towards Christian and biblical themes as a general rule (or as often as Trouble's lyrics did) references can still be found in some of their songs, such as the eponymous track featured this month here at the CDA. This song relates the story of a young saint in church history who was martyred in the 4th century by the government. Go to this link for more of the history of this subject: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitus

Until next time…stay doomed.

- Trog CDA FEATURED ARTISTS 7/12/07: Roots of Christian Doom, pt. 1 309780
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CDA FEATURED ARTISTS 7/12/07: Roots of Christian Doom, pt. 1
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